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Показан контент с высокой репутацией 17.08.2023 во всех областях

  1. Destroyer normal Tips: For tanks, lure the destroyer nearby the spikes so when he use the Accept your death skill players can easily go behind the spikes to dodge the damage. Position destroyer facing away the spikes. Words that destroyer uses to identify which skills will he be using RAAAAARGH - Summoning spikes in a straight line make sure to dodge it or go at the back of destroyer to dodge the damage CATCH THIS - Throw rocks on a player marked by a red big circle this will be done twice, either twice on the same player, or one each of marked player ACCEPT YOUR DEATH - Destroyer will go dashing at you in full speed, marked player with small circle make sure to go behind the spikes so that you will not receive the damage Important❗️ after the destoyer dash into the spike it will blow a pure aoe damage. Make sure to distance yourself when he make this skill.
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  2. Great guide! Simple short advices, I love them. Although I have a problem with math related statements. I'm not sure that it's most efficient way to farm gorgor contract, I even think that it's not even 2nd most efficient way, but it's quick! And second thing is about using Soul Shards, grey the are Most efficient when it comes to getting Knowledge and Gold. And one factual mistake - daily quest at 23 isn't extra, it will take place of your first daily quest(factory or holy groves one) (by DaKickZzz)
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