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Сообщения, опубликованные ShuasBR

  1. Hi, I would like to suggest an outfit customization. Like in Elder Scrolls Onlline for example, there is an outfit station that you can customize the appearance of your character based on the outfits that you know/learned, so you can change the appearance but keeping the ugly (for example) equipments that you are using.

    That would be awesome.

  2. I'm here to say that the mage is really stronger than any class, we can notice it mainly on arena, they do the copy combo and can kill an entire team, this is really annoying, I like to play with hunter but it is almost impossible to kill a mage, at least on low levels. Please try to nerf it.

  3. It would be nice to have a setting to fix the camera on the character. Maybe it don't need to be extremely fixed, but that could be an option too, because often the camera isn't showing the map  properly depending the case.

    The actual camera does not show everything in some cases.

    The idea is to keep the character more centralized on the camera, and as far as I know, it should not be a hard thing to do.

  4. Another thing, I'm not sure if I can have more than one account, if that is forbidden please forgive me it was not intentional to not follow your rules. If it is forbidden please you can delete my second account that it end with 2 on the name and email.

    Again, sorry for any inconveniences.

  5. Oh well I fixed it... First I had turned off my cellphone but actually I needed to reboot it, it fixed! 😅

    Also if anyone have problems with it, clear Google play cache, and the game cache too, also on Google play services. But what actually worked was to reboot my cellphone. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  6. Acho que encontrei um erro no sistema de autenticação.

    Troquei minha conta do Google play para "selecionar" e estava jogando com duas contas sem problemas, mas hoje tentei entrar na minha conta principal e o jogo me deu este erro:

    imagem de erro de autenticação

    Fiz todas as tentativas para tentar jogar, como limpar o Google play, Google play services, jogos do Google play, como me diz para fazer na ajuda do Google, bem como limpar o jogo e reinstalar, mas nada funciona...😥

    Ignore isso abaixo... Foi um erro que não consegui remover, estou fazendo isso no meu celular.





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