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Сообщения, опубликованные ZeusExtreme

  1. В 17.04.2023 в 12:48, Krinch from Sky сказал:

    Привет! К сожалению, лучшая часть рукописи сгорела при транспортировке, но часть секретных знаний осталась в уме создателя, который делится ими только со своими товарищами-согильдийцами 😄

    @Krinch from Sky After this update, does the guide remain current? Or does it need to be updated? Thanks.

  2. I also checked these offers and apparently they will last a little longer than 6 days. I believe that the new event is close, since it has been a long time since we have had news, since Carnival. I suggest ADMINs post something ref. to these store offers, whether they are already part of the new event or not. There is a lack of more communication for us players and the community. Let's wait.

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