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Сообщения, опубликованные FrozenRain

  1. I think Racial skills are necessary to differentiate each races, they could make counter play by having racial skills that counter  one another. I think having advantages on one race and having weakness on another race will make it more the fun, this is where teamwork between race alliance comes in complimenting one another. A chaotic fight with lots of counter plays is better than a fight with predictable outcomes. Also I think it would be fun and heroish to have skills that will have impact between win and defeat.

  2. Just keep your fingers crossed for now guys and be patient, I'm a programmer so I know some of the hardships of the devs it's not easy to develop a game as you have to fix bugs and increase contents and visuals and other stuff so at the least I think it will take 1-2 months depending on their man power. I just hope that it will come out as soon as possible. To the devs thanks for your hard work. 

  3. As we have 6 races I think they should have unique abilities for each of themselves like in the description when you create a character there's a description about the races traits and lore but in game only visuals differ, so I think adding racial skill tree will further add twist in the game as each player have different taste in how they want to develop their character in game. The class skill tree only give you different skill effect with chaos points but still the same skill set, unlike with racial skill tree with limited points to alocate, the player can have unique skill set of his own since not all will want the same things.

  4. The Skill buff Fire juggler don't disappear even though i don't have the chaos points added to it. When i use the Fireball skill with chaos on every third use of fire ball you get fire illusion, I used it twice i got two fire juggler buff then i reset my chaos points and the buff didn't disappear.

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