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Hi there! Thank you for your suggestions! We will forward the information to the related team. Many thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
There are a few things that I think may help to counter accidental purchases due to the current inefficient shop UI: 1. Double confirmation. For purchases using diamonds, this would be a simple & easy yet extremely useful thing to do. 2. Category page. It would be great to be able to browse general categories tabs/buttons before entering to see the more specific available items related to them. This also acts as an extra step before a purchase is possible to avoid accidental purchases since the shop button is conveniently located on the player's main playing screen. 3. Relocate shop button. In addition to (and not dependent of) the previous point, changing the shop button's position on player's main screen would decrease the odds of accidentally entering shop & purchasing when clicking on screen edges (usually during battle or even simply moving the character on current map). A good position for it would be in between other buttons instead of the current position. (shop position ideas in attached images)
Hi there! Please note that the players can use Facebook in order to log in to their accounts. Hope this helps!