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Found 5 results

  1. Hello! this has been an issue for me since last month and still after the update I'm having connectivity issue on Android 13! I got 5G good speed and can play any other games without lag from connectivity/internet, but for this game the issue has not been solved! I'm getting disconnected like every 5 minutes into the game! Please look into the matter and bring stable update. P.S. I'm running other high fps game smoothly with the same device and network connection.
  2. hello, good afternoon. I'm having a problem where I can't log my character into Skylore. Other characters from the same account enter normally, but when trying to enter that specific character, the following message appears: "THERE WAS AN ERROR - We are already working to resolve it as soon as possible". I would like to know if there is any solution or understand what is going on. Thank you for your attention! :)
  3. When you enter the game this happens, it's not the internet, it just doesn't download the update, I downloaded it by invitation on my email.
  4. So one of the sick NPC that you are supposed to cure on the hospital is not in the right place. I think he is supposed to be on the north of the map near the bed because that is where the poison cloud is and the NPC is in the middle of the map.
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