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Found 4 results

  1. My quest is to follow my allies but they stop moving. While doing the quest I got teleported in arena after that they stop moving. What should I do?
  2. la1t

    Quest bug

    EN In the daily tasks at the location "Mines" does not show what number of "Skalozhuev" you need to kill. Although the kill counter is spinning and you need to kill 10 monsters. RU В ежедневных заданиях на рудниках не показывается количество Скаложуев, которых нужно убить. Но счётчик убитых крутиться и там нужно шлёпнуть 10 штук.
  3. Puppymaster


    Hi there last night i started to level my mage but some quests was bugged like i couldn't report the quest after complete. Here i will send a ss The person i have to report my quest is not there it happened last night too so i slept and thought it was just because of lagging but today again it happen with some other quests pls fix it i cant level up with this problem
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