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Puppymaster last won the day on May 9 2020

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About Puppymaster

  • Birthday 12/25/1993

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Adventurer (2/9)



  1. Yeah thanks got it. I have to wear a cloth so haha
  2. Puppymaster

    Quest bug

    Hello there. I was leveling my 2nd mage to higher level and i found this quest bugged. Map shows there but when i enter there s nothing to do or talk with . Please help me idk if its bugged or what im confused. Thank you . Here i will put screenshots
  3. Puppymaster


    HI there. Before like year ago there we couldn't to join or creat a guild! Its one day I have joined skylore again and playing. Idk if we can join guild or create one now?! If not please make it available so we can get friends/alies who playing together & helping eachother Would be more intersted cause right now i feel so lonely in the game . Only some russian guys talking barely on world chat. But if we be able to make one guild or join one it would help alot. #puppymaster
  4. Puppymaster

    Combine items

    Yeah u can see if there is green blue state to upgreade the item if just one grey u cant...
  5. Puppymaster


    Hey there. I think it can be fixed so. I'm playing skylore on my mobile with mobile network. Not just skylore have played many other games .the sad part when i enter in game my network goes slower to +H from 4G and lagging most of times please fix it couse if u lag u gonna lose arena fail with monsters and even worst things. My network running well on all other apps but just when i enter skylore my network going slow 😐
  6. Puppymaster

    Arena battle

    Hello there. I'm just trying the heroes Since i joined the sweet skylore From last night. Now i own a lv6 arena mage And leveling up another one Well i was spamming arena trying to get in top 10. I never see battle info after arena like before u could see how much dmg/heal players done during battle Please add it back to arena battle .so we can see who did good battle in arena! Thanks alot! Like the screenshot
  7. Yeah thank you cutie ollie i got it now😍😉😉😉😉
  8. Hello there. I see some news comes out from Cutie ollie haha but he never replay me. So Im trying to get some help here If we can enter the game now. I played skylore before so i think can enter the game but idk what should i do.already filled the form but that not helps .still cant enter the game. Please help me
  9. Sadly i cant enter the game even i've played this before
  10. Hey . Im trying to download the game from play store but it says something went wrong..what should i do?
  11. Hey ollie please help how what should i do now?(Привет, Олли, помоги, пожалуйста, что мне теперь делать?) I have got this email (я получил это письмо) : Hello there! We’ve updated your application. Please, check your mailbox as well as Spam folder periodically. As soon as we will be able to provide you access to the testing via Google Play for Android and TestFlight for iOS (the app testing service from Apple), you will receive a letter with further instructions. Sincerely, AIGRIND (Привет! Мы обновили ваше приложение. Пожалуйста, периодически проверяйте свой почтовый ящик, а также папку со спамом. Как только мы сможем предоставить вам доступ к тестированию через Google Play для Android и TestFlight для iOS (служба тестирования приложений от Apple), вы получите письмо с дальнейшими инструкциями. С уважением, AIGRIND) What i do now?
  12. I don't get it . What should i do? Updated my application? What does it mean. Please explain
  13. Hi Guys. Is the game available to play? I've been busy working Missed the news lol Let me know if its available to by a link to download🤪
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