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Сообщения, опубликованные BlazeMG

  1. I thought you can't make this event worse, but here we are...I guess you absolutely HAVE to go with the fools' theme.

    "we left the lootboxes so players could buy them if they missed the time before update..." - no you didn't. you kept the lootboxes with the diamond cost. If you cared about players who could miss the last day of the event to buy those you would not delete the ophirium priced chest. You didn't have to remove it. There were no more quests to gain ophirium. And the group contracts were timed. You could actually leave the chest for ophirium and it wouldn't break anything. But you didn't. And now there are only 1 chest for 100 diamonds and pack of 10 chests for 900 diamonds (90 diamonds each). The estimated cost of the costume is 1200 diamonds. So if you bought just twenty chests with the discount you would spend 1800 diamonds. That's 150% of the estimated cost of the costume without any guarantee to get it. Unless you had 180-190 chests before the update, spending any amount of diamonds on those chests is the horrible investment.

    You can get it from blue dungeon chest. And a guaranteed from each third blue chest. Sounds nice except the chances for a blue chest to drop are pretty low. And you can't throw away a chest. The only way to dispose of the chest is to open it. So to get more chances to get blue chest you must open more white/green chests. How do you open more chests when there is a timer? You pay diamonds to skip the timer! So you are paying money to have another go at this one-armed bandit and there is a ten-minute dungeon run in between to make it look like a game and not a blatant gambling. This is getting into Diablo Immor(t)al territory, and we all know how much of the backlash that game received. And you have every tool to make it better. You used that tool in a pirate event. You have a hidden counter to see how many times the dungeon was attempted. Instead of making a reward from blue chest, which has to be obtained through multiple dungeon runs, you could make a reward from completing a certain amount of dungeons regardless of the chests stored in a queue. You do NOT want players to play more dungeons because the counter of dungeon runs would achieve that. No, you want them to spend more diamonds to insta unlock dungeon chests. Doing more runs is just an intermediary step to get those blue chests and to add time between a pair of diamond-paid insta unlocks to disguise gambling as a game.

    I really hope that the decision about this part of the event was made BEFORE the first part of the event occurred and BEFORE you received all the feedback from players and that it was simply to late to change plans.

    But hey, at least we don't have the "helpers for contract" spam in the chat anymore! Good luck with that gambling.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Not only the mechanics behind this even are bad, but the event also brought forth the worst and most rotten human qualities. Opportunistic Rogravi at least plays by the rules and I don't blame him for anything. But this event is the first one where players are betraying trust. There are scammers. Let me repeat that.






    After a few days to figure out what works and what doesn't work, players began to do 4x4 runs. This is when 4 players form a group and use one contract each. Reasonable right? With that strategy each player can have four runs for the price of a single contract. You contribute one contract you get four runs. This is still not enough to get 200 chests, but this is at least better than doing one contract per day. The problem is that there is no way to ensure that a player in such group will use his/her contract! So a scammer promises to contribute a contract, gets a couple of runs with the group and then just disappears!

    There is NO way to know if the player is a scammer before inviting them to the party. If you weren't online when he scammed his/her previous victim, you won't see the message about this scammer in the chat. And by tomorrow many will forget, that there was such scammer. This has nothing to do with the skill. Any social skills that you have in real life don't apply. You don't see their facial expression, you don't hear their voice. The players communicate via chat. So even if you could recognize a suspicious person in real life, it is completely useless here. With chat as your only medium you can't even begin to make judgements about trustworthiness of a person.

    So, to keep people up to date - here is the name. Constantine with a "^" instead of a dot in the letter "i" of his name. He scammed us for three contracts. That is about 60 event coins. Here, I hope 3 event chests were worth having your name carved in the HALL OF SHAME. Everyone will know that you are a scammer. Not just for this event, but for all upcoming events too. Do whatever you want with that knowledge. Blacklist him/ignore him/pk him or join him to scam more victims.

    and my message to the devs - please don't do events that follow the zero sum rule from game theory. One person's gain should not be defined by another person's loss. Every contract that you get without contributing your own contract to the 4x4 party is a ruined 4x4 party for some other player. Because the player who went with you wont have three more runs paid with his contract. The worst part is that it could be easily fixed!

    Here is how you make a better event by similar rules. Instead of a group contract you give a player a reusable contract that contains 4 charges. the charges regenerate each day. The contract is only the key to the area and everyone, who steps in, uses his/her charge regardless of the activator of the contract. That way every player would be guaranteed to have four runs per day. And stronger players won't abuse their strength too much because they can't make more than four runs either. Or, if you want to make it more appropriate for higher lvl players, you can give them more charges. players 20- can have 4 charges, players 20 and higher can have 8 charges. And that solves the problem! No need to look for a four character party  to complete 4 contracts in a row. You can do three contracts now with one party and then finish the last charge with some other team in a few hours. You will use the same four charges per day. It would be less stressful and scamproof. We would even forgive you if the charges had to be used within a day or lost forever. Even by those rules where you have to do 4 guaranteed runs per day or not get profit from them it would be awesome. And of course the reward should be more event coins. love lunacy had 2-6-9 sets of event coins. This event has 1-3-4 sets. 1/3+3/3+4/3 = 8/3 = 2,666 on average if the distribution is uniform. And it feels more like 2 coins per box, not 2,6. And no free contract, and no world boss to drop contract. Only one guild contract and a threat to not have four runs because of scammers. I wrote that 150 chests would be a great luck but it looks now that the estimated amount of chest through normal participation is closer to 100. And that doesn't mean 50% chance to get a skin with 0.005 chance (half percent per chest). This is not how probabilities work. You don't multiply half percent by 100 to get 50%. with 0,995 chance of NOT getting a skin you have a 0,995^100 of not getting a skin from 100 chests. 0,995^100 = 0,605 of 60% chance of NOT getting a skin. The chances to not get a skin from 100 chests (which is half way through to the mercy mechanic at 200) are worse than a coin toss. You play 2 weeks doing every quest and 4x4 contract parties but if you don't buy boxes for diamonds, you are more likely to end up WITHOUT a skin than with one. And even if you decide to buy boxes...you need one hundred of those in addition to the ones you get from playing the game. That is WAY more than a costume's price. (the estimated cost of a costume is 1000-1200 diamonds, based on previous entries in the premium shop)

    Even the good storyline for the event can't redeem all the downsides of it. Please don't make an event like this ever again. ANYTHING but this will be better. Even the Halloween event was better. Because on Halloween you sent everyone a bunch of event contracts mid-event.

    The pirate event worked because players could NOT mess this up for each other. You complete dungeon - you get reward. Even in a second part of the event where there was a competition for a costume+weapon skin, you could not mess up the leader without messing up yourself. Love lunacy was slightly worse because it relied on vigor recovery and you mostly do arenas for that so with tough competition you would struggle to recover more vigor. but it wasn't THAT bad. And no one was interested in messing up the Shauron/Ember world bosses (on love lunacy and new year)


  3. The quest line was great and well-written, and it would be grate to have that ending as a gif later after the event is over.  But the contracts...well...this is complicated. This is the first event where I can't reliably get 200 chests for guaranteed reward. And I thought that love lunacy was bad. But there we had keys. In this event most solo players are at a huge disadvantage. It is difficult to find a party and the rewards from quests are too low. And only one contract from guild shop...battle royal doesn't fix it even with full reward which is extremely unlikely.

    So here is the trend:

    1) New year event - easy 200+ chests without any problems

    2) love lunacy - 200 chests if you have keys and event prolonged by a week to get even more chests, but the original timing was rather tight

    3) pirate event - the timing was DEFINITELY below the required threshold and to get 200 chests you had to use diamonds to insta-unlock chests from dungeons. But at least it wasn't THAT bad and the few diamonds spent were more or less compensated by the diamonds from lootboxes.

    4) this event - 200(chests)/14(days)=14,2 chests per day. times 20 event coins = 285 event coins. Today we have double reward from quests. (quest line AND same quests as repeatable daily quests) and additional contract from quest reward. After doing 3 contracts I have around 270 event coins. And at this pace tomorrow it will be less because only three daily quests and only one contract instead of 6+2 like today. Obtaining 150 chests would be an accomplishment, and we are still 50 chests behind.

    and now we have "please invite me for contract" message spam in chat for the next two weeks.

    I will admit that the game doesn't OWE us anything. And we should be grateful for the CHANCE to win a costume/weapon skin, but hear me out

    Whether you look at this as a free player or premium player, it does look like the game is becoming more and more demanding, perhaps even predatory. Getting 190 chests and spending 100 diamonds to complete the 200 for mercy mechanic to kick in, is not the same as getting 150 and spending 500 diamonds. So even premium players will have to spend more on average.

    spamming the message in the chat is NOT playing the game. And to rely so hard on getting invited by another player with the contract is LUCK. Even if we assume that you are in a well-populated guild. four players have 4 contracts in total per day. That won't be enough to get 200 chests even if you kill the contract boss every time. The only way it COULD work is if you get MORE contracts from solo players in addition to four guild contracts from your team. And that is happening at the expense of other players. In simple words - if players were SUPER RATIONAL and optimized this game as much as they could, we would have at most FOUR contracts per day per player. (4 players in party, each one uses a contract, so four runs in total). And that is not enough to get 200 chests.

    Now, this event is in progress and it is too late to fix it. But please reconsider your approach to events. If the trend doesn't change you will begin to lose premium players because at this pace, paying will be the only way to obtain this kind of rewards. And that is just gambling. We celebrate April's fools day but we are not fools.

    Have a nice day

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  4. 8 chests per day (assuming only white chests from dungeons at ten minutes each) = 80 minutes

    2 daily quests twice per day ten minutes each (accounting for travel time without teleportation) = 40 minutes

    2 daily quests in pvp zone twice per day ten minutes each (accounting for travel time without teleportation) = 40 minutes

    2 to 4 guild tasks, depending on the guild level. With three as the mean and one "bad" task that you can't complete on average, ten minutes for the remaining two = 20 minutes

    daily activities and world bosses not included because they often fall into the guild task category = 0 minutes.

    occasionally you will have gorgor contracts but you usually keep them because you have related guild tasks.

    80+40+40+20+0 = 180 minutes. So three hours of daily stuff, not accounting for actual quests and guild raids/wars.

    And for weekend you add battle royal. 130 points to get, 5 minutes per battle on average, second place on average, 26 battles required to get full reward unless lose three times/have premium access. 26*5=130. so more than two hours, but these are split between two days of the weekend. So it is more like 1 additional hour on Saturday and another one on Sunday.

    There are A LOT of things to do in the game to not be bored. And if you are bored from them...well, the events don't make it better, actually.

    Halloween - themed gorgor contracts.

    New Year - snowflakes from dungeon chests so you are playing dungeons anyway. Amber/Ember as a world boss twice per day, it's just another world boss.

    temporary new arena, but you are farming dungeons for snowflakes.

    love lunacy - even more farming of arenas/dungeons to recover vigor to have vigor to kill love elementals. And Shauron is just another world boss twice per day. A few daily quests of the "run and collect" type without any fighting involved. a FEW unique plot-quests, but that's one day, and after they are done you have daily stuff. Themed gorgor contract that follow the same idea of the kill contract boss as the ones on Halloween.

    recent event - guess what? Dungeons again. and then another layer of completing 30 more dungeons! and another layer to get the most dungeons. And the winner made like 253? That is not healthy.

    if anything - the game becomes MORE tedious during events because BIG rewards are at stake. Completing all the stuff can give you around ONE MILLION gold even before you reach lvl 20. It is during EVENTS that game turns into homework to not be left behind while everyone else gets ridiculous amounts of in-game gold and premium currency. The reward NOT RECEIVED is perceived as a LOSS. Humans' psychology is nasty.

    The events are built on the same game mechanics as usual stuff. If a little change of decorations is all it takes to reignite your interest - lucky you. But that is just a mindtrick. You are doing the same chores.

    And since it is a good idea to offer solution instead of mere criticism...players need a reason to visit other parts of the factorium/holy grove. The game would become LESS monotonous if instead of "kill 30 average enemies" there was smth like "kill 30 sparkeaters". You can also make a tavern into something more than just a location with fancy soundtrack. It could be an area with an access to a minigame. And drinking too much at the tavern could apply various debuffs to the character. So you can have a whole batch of new achievements. Stuff like "win three arenas while drunk". And the drunk effect could have different visual effects, inverted controls, mismatch of skill when you click on one skill but another one is activated instead, obligatory friendly fire when you can ACCIDENTALLY hit your own party members. The possibilities are numerous.

    Finally you can add new stuff to dungeons. In addition to boss rooms and mob rooms you can have trap rooms where players have to avoid telegraphed environmental hazards like that one quest with a gargoyle.

  5. the new game icon is worse than the previous one. The knowledge symbol was more common and universal. The new one has three small player figures in front of the boss. These small figures are poorly seen on small screens (smartphones vs tablets/PC emulators)

    bala's mini portrait in journal looks bad. Not menacing at all. Instead he looks...well...like he has one extra chromosome. It should be reworked.

    The info about boss spawn time is useless because there are still two channels with different values and players have already begun accusing each other of disinformation.

    The info about the channel is still missing. It would help MUCH more against world bosses. And the option to change channel too. Right now players have to arrive 5-10 minutes before the boss re-spawns and wait, because if you saw that the boss will re-spawn in 25 minutes and set an alarm clock for 23 minutes, and returned to the game in 23 minutes, two minutes before the boss re-spawns, there are too many players waiting for him/her and the game balances you to the second channel where the timer for the boss is different. And this process can repeat multiple times. You want to kill boss on re-spawn - you wait. You just stand there for 10 minutes, clicking on random stuff to not let the game kick you for afk. And when the battle finally occurs - it's a lag fest. New animations for weapons are cool, when the frame rate is not 5fps. If you want to ACTUALLY help us, give us an option to disable visual effects from skill animations. Getting killed by a telegraphed attack is deserved and just, getting killed by a telegraphed attack you couldn't dodge because of the lag is unfair.

    since you are adding timers to world bosses, why not add timers to pillars too? The red runes don't give much info.

    And the tails look great. There is no need to turn them off.

  6. Sorry for not posting sooner. The game was NOT cooperating with me lately. As if intentionally NOBODY was wearing the cloack

    Here are the pictures

    The adept cloack is a balanced piece of accessory that looks like a green cape with olive/brown v-shaped ornament at the top

    The adept mantle is a frantic piece of accessory that looks like a brown cape with stitches.

    Every OTHER piece of balanced adept armour is brown.

    Every OTHER piece of frantic adept accessories is leaf-themed and green and the light adept armour is also leaf-themed and green.



    adept mantle.jpeg

    adept cloack.jpeg

  7. people don't participate in your pirate event actively enough...I wonder why?

    Perhaps this is because you didn't even bother to write about it on the forum so that everyone can have access to that info at any time, not just once when they entered the game? We don't even know if mercy mechanic of 200 chests apply this time.

    Perhaps this is because humans are rational agents and they don't see any reason to play dungeon when there are no free slots for the chests and that creates a bottleneck at 8 dungeons per day?

    or perhaps, and i know this is hard to believe, this is because spamming events one after another doesn't make the game better? You gave us new year. That was a major holiday and it was cool. And there was barely any pressure. Anyone could easily get 200 chests for a guaranteed reward. Then you gave us love lunacy for valentines day. And to complete it you have to be an actual lunatic! Without killing love elementals you could NOT get enough chests. So players had to farm arenas for HOURS to gain vigor only to drain all twenty thousand vigor on elementals in a few MINUTES! And then repeat the arena grind. And then you prolonged it for another week... and then without any time to catch breath you gave us this pirate mini event. It is not even bound to any holiday. Somebody in your office just figured out that pirate theme will be trending next month and you rolled with it. Oh, and you didn't mention that you only need 30 dungeon wins, not thirty dungeon chests. Why 30? Because you know well that in three days players can only get 24 normal chests (if they don't get any green chests at all), and they will assume that they have to get 6-10 more (thirty diamonds each) and for that they have to pay diamond to instantly unlock chests. Well, they don't. I don't know if anyone will read this, but I will write it anyway. Because it might save them some diamonds. To complete 30 dungeons that you need to participate in lottery to win 50 chests, you don't have to complete dungeons when there is a free slot for chests. You can do empty runs that warrant no reward.

    Spamming events may backfire. Players might decide that the game is going down and that you are trying to keep them entertained with those final events for a bit more before closing the game. And don't tell me that players are free to not participate. The rewards from those chests even without costumes can go up to a million in in-game currency. Yes, you can decide to not participate. You will just be 500k-1m gold/soul shards behind all other players, who didn't skip the event. No pressure at all.

  8. I don't know if you noticed but it looks like there is a very obvious problem with this set.

    The light/frantic adept set is green. It is all green and leaf-themed. A few weapons (converter, flask, staff), the robe, the hat, the bracers, the shoes, even accessories all look like you have mugged a leprechaun. With one exception. The cape is brown. And then there is balanced adept set that is all brown and dull-looking. And again with a single exception. The cape is green this time. So, is it a mistake and two models were intended to be swapped (only visually in game and in game icon, not the stats)? Should we fix it? This isn't an end-game set so not many players will care. But I suppose it is time to ask players their opinion.

  9. Ok, quick question about mercy mechanic. The one about 200 chests and a guaranteed costume.

    does it only work for people who get no costume at all?

    because I had 230 chests and got the first costume on 60th chest. That leaves me with 170 chests. I then got 46 more chests. 170+46 = 216 and that is more than 200 but I didn't get a costume. Was I wrong at my calculations anywhere? Can you check the logs? The character name is Midori.

    Also it would be great if the game showed counter on chests without costume. like "30 more chests left before guaranteed reward" type of thing.

  10. Content will be available until February 21, 9:00 UTC.

    That's a lie. You have shut down servers one hour before that. Many players didn't kill the last Shauron, many had unused gorgor contracts, a few didn't convert hearts into chests. You should at least apologize since you are not keeping the event after the maintenance.

    also - the problem with Shauron wouldn't happen if you set loot respawn timer to 12h-x-1m where x is boss respawn time (not loot respawn time but the boss respawn time) and 1m is one minute required to kill Shauron. Even without 1m, the 12h-x formula would be so much better to ensure that players WILL kill boss twice per day. But no, the last one was still alive when you shut down servers. There is no way that 14*x would add up to another 12 hours to be abused for killing one more boss than was planned, but it would keep everyone less stressed with those two timers not matching precisely. For gnawer and baladrog this is irrelevant as they are in the game every day, but for Ember/Shauron and other event stuff this should be the norm.

  11. recently I published this guide and didn't know about the contest, so I copy it here. I also update a small part due to game update


    Dungeons are essential part of any good mmorpg and in Skylore there are a few things to remember.

    First of all - most people don't use the search party mechanism. This means that most dungeon groups are either guild members/friends who play together regularly and don't need a guide OR a bunch of randoms. This guide is for RANDOM players.


    the first thing you have to acknowledge is that dungeon is NOT profitable gold-wise. The chest from dungeon contains knowledge and dungeon gear. Even if you sell dungeon gear you will get smth around 100 coins. That is NOT WORTH the effort. So when you are going to the dungeon you have to be in a mindset that the dungeon is your INVESTMENT into obtaining knowledge and/or dungeon equipment. Keep in mind that dungeon equipment gives attack bonus against champion level enemies and all world bosses are champion level. So if you want to kill gnawer or baladrog faster, you want that equipment.

    You will need all three types of potions. Max HP potion(at least one), Attack+ potion(at least one) and Healing potions(5-10).

    dungeon gear gives you attack bonus, not the defense bonus. All armour and accessories will protect you in accordance to their stats so it is fine to go there with pvp set, just keep it upgraded.

    Instead of focusing on getting full set of dungeon gear you should focus on getting a full set of HEAVY armour of any type (pve, dungeon pve or pvp). Yes, even for dd classes. Rogues(shadows), mages(sorcerers), archers(hunters) all need heavy armour for dungeon, because we are talking about RANDOM people. So any person should be ready to take up the role of a tank and for that they will need max def.

    dungeons contain elite, boss and STRONG enemies, so equipping dungeon set will not give you attack bonus against EVERYTHING in the dungeon. Equipping a normal PvE set will at least help against strong enemies but not against elites/bosses. Assembly line also has weak enemies, but you will stomp them with anything so they are not worth mentioning. The only thing about weak enemies you might want to remember is that your alchemist can recover some of his/her health with its first skill and these weak enemies are perfect targets.

    The healer(alchemist) must also have frantic accessories. Why? Because of cooldown of healing. Since you can't reduce cooldown easily, you must at least maximize the amount of HP you recover per heal.

    it is also convenient to have nibblers for emergency. Because they increase your total dps and act as additional targets to draw attention of enemies from you.


    If one person votes to quit dungeon - everyone should do the same. You are not making it through. The person might have an emergency at home or they have estimated that the party is too weak or there is a level mismatch in the party and higher level players don't want to get smaller chest reward. Whatever the cause is - don't waste time. Just retreat. Don't wait for the majority vote. You see that retreat option? You agree. It will save you the trouble of going through the dungeon with weak party.

    If a person if offline - retreat too. Dungeons are for full parties. Three players can barely make it and you should not bet on it. Besides, for three players there will be a much bigger demand for potions anyway.

    You can communicate with players via chat but because of how it is implemented, it is not convenient. The time you spend typing message is the time you are not controlling the character, and dungeons have time limits to them. The best you can expect is "here" message from one of the players who have found the final boss.

    To compensate for the lack of communication, it would be great if all players followed the same strategy. I offer the following.

    the dungeon has to be explored in a counterclockwise pattern. This means that you check west wing first, then south wing then east wing. And in every room you go North-West-South-East. That should save you some time on deciding where to go.

    The next rule is - everyone follows the tank. There are four people in the party and I have seen too often how the party just splits into pairs and each pair goes their way thinking that the other pair of players will follow them...only to get wiped on both sides. If there are two tanks - follow the one with more mastery/higher level. If there are three - vote to leave because you probably don't have enough dps anyway. The same for three healers. Not enough dps unless you are very lucky with skipping bosses. If there are no tanks and you still decide to try - everyone follow the healer, because the healer is now your meat shield tank due to ability to recover lost hp.

    The next rule - we all imply that the purpose of your raid is to complete dungeon, not to complete daily tasks like killing four boss-level enemies or 12 elites. This means that we will all ATTEMPT boss skipping on every opportunity. The two bosses that are most skippable are flogrilla and object 251. Remember that bosses have specific rooms and by the appearance of the room you can tell who is the boss before you even see them. To skip the boss you have to move close to the wall, practically hugging the wall. it is possible, it was done more than once, it saves 2 minutes on average. It also saves you potions/nibblers. If you need daily tasks - you complete them by visiting more dungeons not by CLEARING the dungeon thoroughly when everyone is trying to rush to the final boss.

    The next rule - focus fire enemies, attacking whatever your tank is attacking. Do not spread damage, you are just making it difficult for the healers to keep up.

    For the assembly complex dungeon (the technological one) - you must always destroy repair bots first. Seriously - killing enemies' healers is gaming 101. If you don't kill their healers, you are extending the amount of hp they have, and the time to burn through it. So healers die first.

    The next rule - do NOT stand in the red. Seriously - if the attack is telegraphed - get OUT! Don't make it harder for your healer.

    The next rule - do NOT aggro more than one group of enemies. They are elites. They have too much hp and they hit hard. the 4 VS 4 is already challenging. 4 VS 8 is almost always a suicide. Let your tank pick a target and lure them slightly back to the corridor from which you have just arrived. And be careful with aoe attacks.

    Next rule - do NOT spam skills. Elites are full of hp, you won't kill them in one burst of attacks. Use your skills strategically. Fear effect can interrupt any telegraphed attack of normal opponents but not bosses.

    Don't even bother with dynamite and other bomb-consumables. You are throwing too much money on potions already. There is no need to toss more money at enemies.

    Next rule - time management. It takes about 2-3 minutes to kill a boss. If you have one minute before final boss - exit. You are not making it.

    killing a miniboss gives you buff but it is random and you can not rely on it when you plan your run. It can even backfire if this is a movement speed buff, because some of your teammates who get the buff will run faster than you without buff. Imagine running away from your healer :)


    Elariel - just don't. If you see that she is the boss of the dungeon - don't go there. She is the worst. But if you ABSOLUTELY have to, you must remember that random players WILL not attack roots to set you free from one of her attacks. And if you are a healer, and there is only one healer - that's a party wipe. Because you can't heal while you are bound. The best party composition would be two healers and two dd (at least one healer is NOT bound by roots will keep the other healer alive). When she spawns red/green fire - kite her. You can't kill all those targets in time but you can lure her away from them. If she is low on health you can kill her like this. This is also the boss where nibblers would be most useful. Each nibbler is an extra target that might get bound by roots instead of you. It is luck-based, but it helps. The swarm attack will hit the player and any player close to him/her, so don't approach other party members when the bees are trying to kill you.

    The flower lord... whatever - this dude is a complete pushover. The greatest danger is if he spawns healers a few times and you don't kill them. There is a point where they will outheal any damage your party can deal. So every time he spawns ANYTHING - kill it and proceed with beating. His aoe attack is telegraphed. And it is HEAVILY telegraphed. You don't even have to wait to see red tiles on the floor. Before they appear you will see his attack animation as he raises his staff to strike the ground. That is how you know the attack is coming and you may begin to run to dodge it at that point. It will be much easier. The red tiles ALWAYS appear under your characters so you ALWAYS know that you have to move in ANY direction to dodge it. Just make sure you don't move into the red tiles of your neighbor. Unfortunately clones and nibblers don't dodge those.

    Magnetron - this boss is average. He will randomly teleport a player close to him, attach a bomb and then teleport this player to the rest, and then the bomb explodes. With heavy armour you should survive the bomb and an alchemist will have group heal and heal to undo the effects. He can also be lured in the corner of the room where he will stuck but I am not certain if it is bug or a feature. Perhaps after this guide his AI will be fixed so he doesn't stuck in the corner anymore, but he does now. You can beat him without that trick anyway. This boss doesn't spawn minions.

    Inspector Spineslasher - whatever. He is nightmare fuel in terms of looks but also average like magnetron. This dude has melee and ranged attacks. Don't stand in the red to avoid range attack and don't stand in the red to avoid aoe melee attack. Seriously that is it. Nothing special. Just a bunch of telegraphed attacks. Let the tank do the tanking, dd will be damaging and healer will be healing. This is as classic as it gets. The only real trick here is when the ranged attack is charged, move out of its way in the direction of your healer, so that you stay in range and healer doesn't have to step into poisonous gas to heal you. In fact - moving in direction of your healer is also gaming 101. There is no strategical advantage to spreading out. This boss doesn't spawn minions.

    Mandragora - yes, this is the boss. Not the final boss but it could as well be. Mandragora is a sub boss, and it causes the most problems. Mandragora is FUNDAMENTALLY different from all other bosses. It is the most hyperactive creature in the dungeon. It will run all over the room chasing you. Players don't know how to beat it.

    So here is the explanation. Imagine yourself a toreador. Mandragora will charge at you so you want to step to the side. You also want to avoid green poison on the ground. It leaves the trace so don't stand in it. The biggest problem is an aoe attack. It is too frequent. How frequent? Approximately every three strikes. So you count one-two-three and then you begin running in the direction opposite to mandragora. There is always a pillar in the room that mandragora can ram into and it will interrupt its charging attack, but that is optional. Just step sideways. Ranged dd are preferable because rogues will struggle to land a hit. You have to close in, hit and retreat before the next aoe attack. You don't have time for that! But tanks can just stand their with support from healer. Remember that mandragora will eventually switch target, so don't relax until it is dead.

    about flogrilla---

    you should always skip this boss but if you aggro it by accident there is a thing you should remember. The boulder attack is the biggest problem. Most players will NOT dodge it. They will stand in one place while a huge boulder is rolling toward them. To be killed by this thing is embarrassing. Just look where it goes and step to the side. Seriously it is THAT easy. And if you DON'T want to bother with boulders at all, they will not appear if at the moment when the red area is filled there are no targets inside of it. So if you see a red circle with flogrilla in the centre - just step out of it and flogrilla will cancel its own boulder attack! Once again - could be an AI bug, but it works for now.

    the difference between bosses and sub bosses is that when bosses spawn something - it stays in the game until you kill it or get killed. When sub bosses spawn minions they will disappear. So you don't HAVE to kill repair bots near object 251 but you may do this to make the battle easier for you.

    To sum it up - thorn hollow has the strongest and weakest bosses and both of those are summoners, assembly line has two average bosses and neither will summon minions. Thorn hollow also has the most annoying boss - mandragora while assembly line has healers (repair bots) and weak targets (perfect for your alchemist).

    Try to kill bosses in their respective rooms. Do not lure them away unless you are trying to lead flower lord away from dozens of healers or Elariel from those red and green fires. But if you have to run out of their room - you are probably not going to make it anyway. Seriously - if you have to retreat, you are to weak. Just quit the dungeon.



    after the latest game update there are now healers in Thorn hollow. Just like with repair bots you have to kill them first. The hounds also became much stronger. Their special attack can one shot you if you are not at full health. You can use shield skill preemptively, but you can't know when the attack will happen so you are risking to waste it on nothing threatening.


    If you have 5 chests with rewards, do not forget to open(not unlock but actually open, so that the slot for the chest is now free) at least one of them so that the dungeon reward is added to the queue.

    check your current gear before dungeon. you can not switch it mid combat, so if you have two or more sets, make sure you are wearing heavy set for dungeon.

    Do not forget to repair before visiting dungeon. if there is an orange hammer icon - that piece must be repaired ASAP.

    Do not make it more difficult for yourself. If you have costumes, make sure your character is in high contrast with the background. Your enemies are AI. You don't get any bonuses from camouflage. They will see you in any costume. But will you?

    Play with sound, there are audio clues.

    If you have more suggestions - add to this guide in comments.

    Have fun

    • Like 1
  12. also - can we get an mp3 of the soundtrack from the rock concert in the game? The music there is in sound effects category instead of actual music, so it cant be recorded separately from sound effects of players tossing bees at audience and smashing the music speakers. And the event is temporary. So it has to be preserved for all new players who will join after the event.

  13. The mechanics of dropping costumes provides for a guarantee of one of them upon opening  200 chests. With active participation in thematic activities, you can earn much more.

    no. you can't. Completed everything today (contracts, boss, repeatable quests) and total is 13 chests. And that is with one time quests that were available only at the start. So starting from tomorrow and onward expect to get less than 13 chests per day. But even with 13 chests per day there are only 13 days left!

    13*13=169. and with 13 today it is 169+13=182.

    That's not even 200 for one guaranteed costume! even if you add 3 more from battleground you are still 15 short from 200! and the chances to loot love elemental are too low.

    please, give us more contracts! even at higher cost in guild tokens. Or send some more via in game mail. It doesn't add up to 200.

    during previous event where we had snowflakes from dungeons I got 240 chests. and with my horrible luck I actually got first costume from 200th chest. Of course some people will get two costumes from two chests, but this is cruel for all players like me. I play every day and I want that costume. Please! Please! Please! Vestments of the Apostle of Passion looks fabulous. It would be a shame to not get it.

    • Like 1
  14. Dungeons are essential part of any good mmorpg and in Skylore there are a few things to remember.

    First of all - most people don't use the search party mechanism. This means that most dungeon groups are either guild members/friends who play together regularly and don't need a guide OR a bunch of randoms. This guide is for RANDOM players.


    the first thing you have to acknowledge is that dungeon is NOT profitable gold-wise. The chest from dungeon contains knowledge and dungeon gear. Even if you sell dungeon gear you will get smth around 100 coins. That is NOT WORTH the effort. So when you are going to the dungeon you have to be in a mindset that the dungeon is your INVESTMENT into obtaining knowledge and/or dungeon equipment. Keep in mind that dungeon equipment gives attack bonus against champion level enemies and all world bosses are champion level. So if you want to kill gnawer or baladrog faster, you want that equipment.

    You will need all three types of potions. Max HP potion(at least one), Attack+ potion(at least one) and Healing potions(5-10).

    dungeon gear gives you attack bonus, not the defense bonus. All armour and accessories will protect you in accordance to their stats so it is fine to go there with pvp set, just keep it upgraded.

    Instead of focusing on getting full set of dungeon gear you should focus on getting a full set of HEAVY armour of any type (pve, dungeon pve or pvp). Yes, even for dd classes. Rogues(shadows), mages(sorcerers), archers(hunters) all need heavy armour for dungeon, because we are talking about RANDOM people. So any person should be ready to take up the role of a tank and for that they will need max def.

    The healer(alchemist) must also have frantic accessories. Why? Because of cooldown of healing. Since you can't reduce cooldown easily, you must at least maximize the amount of HP you recover per heal.

    it is also convenient to have nibblers for emergency. Because they increase your total dps and act as additional targets to draw attention of enemies from you.


    If one person votes to quit dungeon - everyone should do the same. You are not making it through. The person might have an emergency at home or they have estimated that the party is too weak or there is a level mismatch in the party and higher level players don't want to get smaller chest reward. Whatever the cause is - don't waste time. Just retreat. Don't wait for the majority vote. You see that retreat option? You agree. It will save you the trouble of going through the dungeon with weak party.

    If a person if offline - retreat too. Dungeons are for full parties. Three players can barely make it and you should not bet on it. Besides, for three players there will be a much bigger demand for potions anyway.

    You can communicate with players via chat but because of how it is implemented, it is not convenient. The time you spend typing message is the time you are not controlling the character, and dungeons have time limits to them. The best you can expect is "here" message from one of the players who have found the final boss.

    To compensate for the lack of communication, it would be great if all players followed the same strategy. I offer the following.

    the dungeon has to be explored in a counterclockwise pattern. This means that you check west wing first, then south wing then east wing. And in every room you go North-West-South-East. That should save you some time on deciding where to go.

    The next rule is - everyone follows the tank. There are four people in the party and I have seen too often how the party just splits into pairs and each pair goes their way thinking that the other pair of players will follow them...only to get wiped on both sides. If there are two tanks - follow the one with more mastery/higher level. If there are three - vote to leave because you probably don't have enough dps anyway. The same for three healers. Not enough dps unless you are very lucky with skipping bosses. If there are no tanks and you still decide to try - everyone follow the healer, because the healer is now your meat shield tank due to ability to recover lost hp.

    The next rule - we all imply that the purpose of your raid is to complete dungeon, not to complete daily tasks like killing four boss-level enemies or 12 elites. This means that we will all ATTEMPT boss skipping on every opportunity. The two bosses that are most skippable are flogrilla and object 251. Remember that bosses have specific rooms and by the appearance of the room you can tell who is the boss before you even see them. To skip the boss you have to move close to the wall, practically hugging the wall. it is possible, it was done more than once, it saves 2 minutes on average. It also saves you potions/nibblers. If you need daily tasks - you complete them by visiting more dungeons not by CLEARING the dungeon thoroughly when everyone is trying to rush to the final boss.

    The next rule - focus fire enemies, attacking whatever your tank is attacking. Do not spread damage, you are just making it difficult for the healers to keep up.

    For the assembly complex dungeon (the technological one) - you must always destroy repair bots first. Seriously - killing enemies' healers is gaming 101. If you don't kill their healers, you are extending the amount of hp they have, and the time to burn through it. So healers die first.

    The next rule - do NOT stand in the red. Seriously - if the attack is telegraphed - get OUT! Don't make it harder for your healer.

    The next rule - do NOT aggro more than one group of enemies. They are elites. They have too much hp and they hit hard. the 4 VS 4 is already challenging. 4 VS 8 is almost always a suicide. Let your tank pick a target and lure them slightly back to the corridor from which you have just arrived. And be careful with aoe attacks.

    Next rule - do NOT spam skills. Elites are full of hp, you won't kill them in one burst of attacks. Use your skills strategically. Fear effect can interrupt any telegraphed attack of normal opponents but not bosses.

    Don't even bother with dynamite and other bomb-consumables. You are throwing too much money on potions already. There is no need to toss more money at enemies.

    Next rule - time management. It takes about 2-3 minutes to kill a boss. If you have one minute before final boss - exit. You are not making it.


    Elariel - just don't. If you see that she is the boss of the dungeon - don't go there. She is the worst. But if you ABSOLUTELY have to, you must remember that random players WILL not attack roots to set you free from one of her attacks. And if you are a healer, and there is only one healer - that's a party wipe. Because you can't heal while you are bound. The best party composition would be two healers and two dd (at least one healer is NOT bound by roots will keep the other healer alive). When she spawns red/green fire - kite her. You can't kill all those targets in time but you can lure her away from them. If she is low on health you can kill her like this. This is also the boss where nibblers would be most useful. Each nibbler is an extra target that might get bound by roots instead of you. It is luck-based, but it helps. The swarm attack will hit the player and any player close to him/her, so don't approach other party members when the bees are trying to kill you.

    The flower lord... whatever - this dude is a complete pushover. The greatest danger is if he spawns healers a few times and you don't kill them. There is a point where they will outheal any damage your party can deal. So every time he spawns ANYTHING - kill it and proceed with beating. His aoe attack is telegraphed. And it is HEAVILY telegraphed. You don't even have to wait to see red tiles on the floor. Before they appear you will see his attack animation as he raises his staff to strike the ground. That is how you know the attack is coming and you may begin to run to dodge it at that point. It will be much easier. The red tiles ALWAYS appear under your characters so you ALWAYS know that you have to move in ANY direction to dodge it. Just make sure you don't move into the red tiles of your neighbor. Unfortunately clones and nibblers don't dodge those.

    Magnetron - this boss is average. He will randomly teleport a player close to him, attach a bomb and then teleport this player to the rest, and then the bomb explodes. With heavy armour you should survive the bomb and an alchemist will have group heal and heal to undo the effects. He can also be lured in the corner of the room where he will stuck but I am not certain if it is bug or a feature. Perhaps after this guide his AI will be fixed so he doesn't stuck in the corner anymore, but he does now. You can beat him without that trick anyway. This boss doesn't spawn minions.

    Inspector Spineslasher - whatever. He is nightmare fuel in terms of looks but also average like magnetron. This dude has melee and ranged attacks. Don't stand in the red to avoid range attack and don't stand in the red to avoid aoe melee attack. Seriously that is it. Nothing special. Just a bunch of telegraphed attacks. Let the tank do the tanking, dd will be damaging and healer will be healing. This is as classic as it gets. The only real trick here is when the ranged attack is charged, move out of its way in the direction of your healer, so that you stay in range and healer doesn't have to step into poisonous gas to heal you. In fact - moving in direction of your healer is also gaming 101. There is no strategical advantage to spreading out. This boss doesn't spawn minions.

    Mandragora - yes, this is the boss. Not the final boss but it could as well be. Mandragora is a sub boss, and it causes the most problems. Mandragora is FUNDAMENTALLY different from all other bosses. It is the most hyperactive creature in the dungeon. It will run all over the room chasing you. Players don't know how to beat it.

    So here is the explanation. Imagine yourself a toreador. Mandragora will charge at you so you want to step to the side. You also want to avoid green poison on the ground. It leaves the trace so don't stand in it. The biggest problem is an aoe attack. It is too frequent. How frequent? Approximately every three strikes. So you count one-two-three and then you begin running in the direction opposite to mandragora. There is always a pillar in the room that mandragora can ram into and it will interrupt its charging attack, but that is optional. Just step sideways. Ranged dd are preferable because rogues will struggle to land a hit. You have to close in, hit and retreat before the next aoe attack. You don't have time for that! But tanks can just stand their with support from healer. Remember that mandragora will eventually switch target, so don't relax until it is dead.

    about flogrilla---

    you should always skip this boss but if you aggro it by accident there is a thing you should remember. The boulder attack is the biggest problem. Most players will NOT dodge it. They will stand in one place while a huge boulder is rolling toward them. To be killed by this thing is embarrassing. Just look where it goes and step to the side. Seriously it is THAT easy. And if you DON'T want to bother with boulders at all, they will not appear if at the moment when the red area is filled there are no targets inside of it. So if you see a red circle with flogrilla in the centre - just step out of it and flogrilla will cancel its own boulder attack! Once again - could be an AI bug, but it works for now.

    the difference between bosses and sub bosses is that when bosses spawn something - it stays in the game until you kill it or get killed. When sub bosses spawn minions they will disappear. So you don't HAVE to kill repair bots near object 251 but you may do this to make the battle easier for you.

    To sum it up - thorn hollow has the strongest and weakest bosses and both of those are summoners, assembly line has two average bosses and neither will summon minions. Thorn hollow also has the most annoying boss - mandragora while assembly line has healers (repair bots) and weak targets (perfect for your alchemist).

    Try to kill bosses in their respective rooms. Do not lure them away unless you are trying to lead flower lord away from dozens of healers or Elariel from those red and green fires. But if you have to run out of their room - you are probably not going to make it anyway. Seriously - if you have to retreat, you are to weak. Just quit the dungeon.


    If you have 5 chests with rewards, do not forget to open(not unlock but actually open, so that the slot for the chest is now free) at least one of them so that the dungeon reward is added to the queue.

    check your current gear before dungeon. you can not switch it mid combat, so if you have two or more sets, make sure you are wearing heavy set for dungeon.

    Do not forget to repair before visiting dungeon. if there is an orange hammer icon - that piece must be repaired ASAP.

    Do not make it more difficult for yourself. If you have costumes, make sure your character is in high contrast with the background. Your enemies are AI. You don't get any bonuses from camouflage. They will see you in any costume. But will you?

    Play with sound, there are audio clues.

    If you have more suggestions - add to this guide in comments.

    Have fun

  15. I am not certain when the bug appeared because the New Year update introduced Ember boss and I was busy there. But I am fairly certain that the meteor attack. (orange zone 2x2) mentioned by Diablo_average was not the cause. I specifically wrote that there was no animation. An orange zone before meteor - I would see that and move out of it as always. So it is probably a graphical bug or out-of-sync problem.

  16. This has happened a few times during the raid on Baladrog.

    I was at full health and with a max hp potion still in effect and suddenly my character drops dead.

    I am certain that there were no yellow circles on the ground that would indicate baladrog's meteor attack.

    There were no red circles/rectangles with a moving red line that would indicate that the area is about to be nuked.

    There were no firestorms and those kill slowly anyway.

    There wasn't even a huge fireball or firelance to the face that would indicate an attack, just my character dropping dead. From 100+% health to zero for no visible reason.

    I know it was some sort of attack but no animation occurred.

    So - is it a bug and the attack is supposed to be animated?

    If not - is it instakill? Does it matter if the character has high def/magic def/a lot of HP?

    If it is instakill - what triggers it? Is it random? Does it occur when Baladrog's hp drops below certain threshold? does it occur every X seconds? Is it like "come unto your maker" from darkest dungeon that triggers when the amount of characters is above certain threshold? Is it "punish the covards" type of attack that specifically hits characters that are trying to stay at a safe distance from Baladrog? Because I am certain that Baladrog wasn't even visible on a screen at that moment. I was healing other characters from distance.

    Can it be avoided by any means? For example - will it target a character if this specific character is in PK mode? It would make an interesting mechanic where players should all activate PK mode and avoid hitting each other with AoE skills. Is there a blind spot, like...actually behind Baladrog's back where attack doesn't occur? Should all players summon nibblers to increase the chance that attack will target one of the pets instead? what about hunters and their summons?

    And finally - is it supposed to be so boring? It didn't have ANY visual indication. If it has to be instakill, you can at least make it look cool.

    The way it is now it was so cheap. The boss just nukes a player without any chance to react.

  17. I have played this game for a while and noticed that the drop rate of contracts depends on the amount of contracts in your inventory. When I have no contracts, I can get a couple of them in an hour, but with 3 or more in my inventory it feels like drop rate gets drastically reduced. Is the game trying to prevent players from hoarding the contracts to make gorgor contract-related guild assignments more challenging, or is it just me and my bad luck?

    I would like other players to reply too, to see if this occurred only to me. Because 3 contracts are not always enough to get even one spawn of a strong monster on those locations.

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