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Весь контент creatoth

  1. hi,i know i play warspear too and saw craft,but we say job better for that no craft,this game different from warspear and aigrind changing craft to job is better
  2. job=blacksmith,alchmist,first aid and..... but its new for aigrind games
  3. hi no need to collect 25 man for dungeon u can collect 10 or more and go but its too hard for done that dungeon,and if 25 man drop rare and legendary items all do 25 man,10man and 25 man its new for your game AIGRIND, u can add this system to the game🤩, FOR ENCHANTING U CAN ADD JOB FOR THAT AND OTHER JOBS TO THE GAME, NO CRAFT FOR ENCHANTING(CAN ADD FOR OTHERS LIKE POT....) ADD JOB😇
  4. hi all.tx for hard working for us and yourself,for dg system can add 10 man normal or 25 man for heroic dg like world of warcraft.if dgs have Specified location its better for players for find players for pt ,add socket for items and enhanced scroll for weapons like poison for dagger,attack power for bow,pene and heal efect for staff and block for sword for pala and block rate for shield and other scroll for other items,and add duel system to an option players, sorry for my bad and weak english😊
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