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Reduce "contribution" needed for mob reward


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I'm not sure how the game determines that you get a reward for hitting a mob in the open world or, in particular, in pvp zones, but as a healer (even with a "dps" build, and I think properly geared), I sometimes don't get xp or chest reward for hitting mobs / bosses. It is frustrating to get nothing even if I use all my abilities the second the mob pops and really trying to get that kill. It might not help that the global server seems to be in EU (I think) and I am on another continent.

In any case, it feels that the threshold to get a reward is slightly too high or should be computed differently. I of course don't want to get contribution for simply tagging a mob, but there is a balance that seems a bit off at the moment.



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Ptah Hello! Mobs do not have a 100% chance of dropping loot, so you may not always get a chest. And from bosses, if you have several teams with you killing the boss at the same time, their contribution to the kill will be higher, so you may not get a chest.
I can't promise that this system will change, but I will pass your message on to the development team.

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