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Сообщения, опубликованные Molly

  1. photo_2024-05-02_11-13-57.jpg.7d43c7a49b457207be3f61bee735802c.jpg

    Warriors, we have summarized the results of the Skypass Plus giveaway!


    We are pleased to present you the lists of the winners, this time the luckiest of the lucky ones were:

    Acid Sky






    In the attached files you can find the list of characters arranged in the order of their completion of the requirement for participation, as well as the list of characters who have won more than 50 times in the Arena. A screenshot with random generation of 5 winners determined by https://randstuff.ru/ is posted above.


    We will award the winners of the giveaway and record-breakers by the end of the day.


    Thank you all for your activity!


    over 25 chests.xlsxarena matches wins.xlsx

  2. photo_2024-05-02_11-13-57.jpg.3dd44532853c06b35fb8069762388df2.jpg

    Друзья, мы подвели итоги розыгрыша Skypass Plus!


    Представляем вам списки счастливчиков, в этот раз самыми удачливыми оказались:

    Acid Sky






    В прикрепленных файлах вы можете найти список персонажей, расположенных в порядке выполнения ими условия для участия, а также список персонажей, победивших более 50 раз на Арене. Скриншот с случайной генерацией 5 победителей, которых определил https://randstuff.ru/ размещен выше.


    Мы начислим награды победителям розыгрыша и рекордсменам до конца дня.


    Благодарим всех за проявленную активность!

    over 25 chests.xlsxarena matches wins.xlsx

  3. Gorguliya.thumb.png.f95bcb7662261620d32e55858da67a56.png

    When King Groglan IV of the Gorr mysteriously vanished, chaos reigned over Kragg and the surrounding lands. Fortunately, the wisdom of the Knowers allowed the King to reclaim his throne, and his first challenge was to restore peace by tackling the rising tide of crime head-on.

    Recognizing that the regular guards were outmatched, the King commissioned a new type of armor that would endow its wearers with unparalleled agility, stealth, and the power to reveal that which was hidden. The finest artisans and wizards in the realm joined forces to forge the Stone Plate Armor.

    During the day, as the sun cast its glow over Kragg, the regular guards kept watch. But when night fell, the stone sentries took on the mantle of law enforcement. With watchful eyes scanning every corner, and sharp ears attuned to every suspicious sound, they left no opportunity for criminals. From that time on, Kragg swiftly became one of the most fortified and secure havens in all of Archeon.

    photo_2024-04-23_14-55-47.jpg.25099891b3319618382ff93ad414aafd.jpg photo_2024-04-23_14-55-49.jpg.0881f4e39d2f825d1907dcf220a3ba77.jpg

  4. Gorguliya.thumb.png.701f1b47255d00bab6ed192e789eb9f5.png

    После исчезновения короля горров Гроглана IV, Крагг и его окрестности погрузились в хаос. Однако, благодаря помощи Знающих, королю удалось вернуться. Его главной задачей стало восстановление порядка, и в первую очередь нужно было найти ответ на растущую преступность.

    Осознав, что обычная гвардия не справится с задачей, король поручил создать снаряжение, которое сделает владельцев более манёвренными, ловкими и позволит видеть скрытое. Лучшие скульпторы и маги трудились вместе, чтобы создать «Каменные латы».

    Днём, когда солнце светило над Краггом, порядок поддерживали обычные гвардейцы. Но с наступлением ночи на защиту закона вставали каменные стражи. Просматривая каждый уголок, прислушиваясь к каждому подозрительного шороху, они не оставили преступникам и шанса. С тех времён Крагг быстро превратился в один из самых неприступных и безопасных уголков Аркеона.

    photo_2024-04-23_14-55-47.jpg.319b0e5b58e9c4110e5c99b1f29495f2.jpg photo_2024-04-23_14-55-49.jpg.1b3729cd6fa26aef15e8f94be24b0e6c.jpg

  5. Hey players!


    Welcome to the second member of our Partner Program – RØFL! We grabbed a moment for a quick interview, and they revealed quite a bit about their gaming experiences.


    The author's opinion may not necessarily reflect the opinion of the developers and is not the official position of the Skylore team.


    Link to the author's channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ROFEL-CHANNEL




    What's your main character's nickname?



    How long have you been playing Skylore?

    I've been in the game since the first closed alpha test in February 2019.


    What is your favorite game class? Why is that?

    The Shadow, without a doubt. When I first started playing Skylore, there were no gameplay videos or information to go on, so I went with my gut. The gameplay won me over, I’ve come a long way, and despite the highs and lows and the nerfs, I'm still all in.


    Any mode, activity, or even an in-game costume you're fond of?

    I've always been drawn to the old Battlefields and Fight to the Death in the Arena, which has been replaced by Knockout. There's no room for mistakes, strategy is key, and they don't drag on forever.

    Favorite costume? The Cookie costume, hands down! And Mr. Nibblebot is by far my favorite item.


    Do you have a favorite game location?

    The Darkwing Watch in Amber City has mesmerized me since the first test launch. It's breathtaking. It's also pretty much the reason I ended my naming my own guild Demonologists.




    Do you have any hilarious or standout Skylore moments to share?

    Lots of them! I could spend hours recounting stories from Skylore and I wouldn't be able to pick just one.

    From the Nibblebot Cult Saga to the Ballista Takedown, the Wild Bugs, the Test Phase Wrap-Ups, the Guild Rivalries, the 12-Player GvG – not to mention the contests, smart plays, and tournaments. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. If you're curious, I have plenty of stories to share on my channel.


    Do you prefer playing solo or with your friends?

    Even when I’m going solo, I'm never without my friends. Whether it’s with a guild or as a lone wolf, there's some charm to both. An MMO gets boring without friends, but if you always go with the herd, you'll never really know what you can do on your own.


    What kind of videos do you make?

    I started out with PvP compilations from the Grotto, paired with music and a touch of humor. I've always aimed to top my last creation. But now, with fewer people in the Grotto, those videos are going to be less frequent – maybe I'll mix up my PvP content. I have many ideas in store, but I'm keeping them under wraps for now to keep the excitement going.


    What was your crowning achievement in Skylore?

    I'm not one to toot my own horn, but I have my share of bragging rights.

    I've poured my heart into crafting guides, explaining the game, growing my guilds, and I'm always willing to give tips. I've held my own as one of the top Shadows in the game, been a part of (and sometimes the brains behind) many landmark Skylore events, and my YouTube channel is a go-to for many. I've won numerous in-game contests and been part of some remarkable team achievements that I'm really proud of. 

    In short, I'm a playboy, a philanthropist, and did I mention modest? Just a bit of playful teasing.


    Do you have any advice for new players?

    Invest time in understanding the game mechanics and browse through the forum. Learn to work around the flaws instead of letting them frustrate you – and be thoughtful when selecting your guild and allies.


    Big thanks to RØFL for these exciting answers – keep up the good work, and best of luck with your channel!


    See you in the game!

    Team Skylore

  6. Друзья!


    Представляем вам второго участника нашей партнерской программы — RØFL! Мы провели с ним небольшое интервью, и вот что он нам рассказал о себе.


    Мнение автора не всегда может совпадать с мнением разработчиков и не является официальной позицией команды Skylore.


    Ссылка на канал автора: https://www.youtube.com/@ROFEL-CHANNEL



    Какой никнейм вашего основного персонажа в игре?



    Как давно вы играете в Skylore?

    Играю с первого закрытого альфа-теста. Это февраль 2019 года.


    За какой класс вы больше всего любите играть и почему?

    Конечно же мой любимый класс в игре — это Тень. Когда я начал играть в Skylore, не было ни геймплейных роликов, ни какой-либо информации, и выбрал его чисто по наитию. Геймплей мне понравился, я во многом преуспел, и, несмотря на многочисленные трудности и нерфы, до сих пор остаюсь ему предан.


    Есть ли у вас любимые режимы, активности, возможно костюмы в игре?

    Моими любимыми режимами в игре всегда были Старые "Поля Битв" и Арена "Бой насмерть", которую в свое время заменили на "Нокаут". В этих режимах нет права на ошибку, правильная тактика имеет больше ценности, и по времени прохождения они не такие продолжительные.

    Любимый костюм — конечно костюм Печенюхи! Любимый предмет в игре — "Мистер Робастик".


    Есть ли у вас любимая локация в игре?

    Еще с первых тестов я заприметил красоту локации "Дозор Темнокрыла" в Городе Амбере. Она очень красивая. В основном благодаря ей я когда-то сделал гильдию под названием "Demonologists".




    Есть ли у вас какие-либо забавные или просто запомнившиеся вам моменты, связанные со Skylore?

    Таких моментов куча! Я могу часами рассказывать истории, связанные со Skylore, и не смог бы сейчас остановиться на какой-то одной.

    История с Культом Робастика, Убийство Баллисты, Невероятные баги, Окончания тестов, Интриги между гильдиями, ГвГ в 12 человек, конкурсы, хитрости и организация турниров. И это невероятно маленький список того, что было в этой игре. Если людям будет интересно — я обязательно могу рассказать множество историй на своем канале.


    Предпочитаете ли вы играть в одиночку, или любите сражаться вместе с друзьями?

    Даже играя в одиночку, у меня всегда были друзья. Играть сплоченной гильдией или играть один против всех, у каждого из этих вариантов есть что-то особенное. Игра в  ММО без друзей надоедает, но играть только толпой — значит никогда не понять чего ты стоишь один.


    На какие темы вы любите снимать видео?

    Ранее это были преимущественно ПвП нарезки из грота с приколами под музыку. И мне всегда хотелось в этом совершенствоваться. Но сейчас на грот люди тратят меньше времени, и такие ролики будут выходить реже. (Или с другими форматами ПвП в том числе.) Идеи у меня есть, но по новым темам я бы хотел сохранить интригу.


    Что вы считаете своим главным достижением в игре?

    Я обычно не люблю на каждом шагу рассказывать о своих достижениях, но объективно мне есть чем похвастаться.

    Я много вкладывал в гайды, обучение разных игроков и развитие своих гильдий, и никогда не отказываю в советах. На протяжении всего времени держу планку лучших Теней игры, был участником (и где-то даже организатором) многих исторических событий в Skylore, у меня один из самых популярных YouTube каналов по игре, я победитель многих игровых конкурсов. А также другие совместные достижения, которые вызывают гордость.

    В общем плейбой, филантроп, а главное какой скромный. (Не мог не сыронизировать).


    Что бы вы могли посоветовать начинающим игрокам в Skylore?

    Пытаться разобраться в механиках игры и читать форум. Адаптироваться даже к недоработкам, а не бомбить. А также тщательно выбирайте гильдию и союзников. 


    Благодарим RØFL за такое содержательное интервью и желаем ему успехов в развитии канала!


    Увидимся в игре!

    Команда Skylore

    • Like 5
  7. Warriors!


    Let’s take a closer look at the first creator in our Partner Program. We asked Oflien a few questions, and below are their candid answers for your reading pleasure!


    Link to the author's channel: https://www.youtube.com/@oflienskylore



    What is the nickname of your main character?



    How long have you been playing Skylore?

    Over a year now.


    What is your favorite class to play, and why?

    I like the Hunter and the Mage. The Hunter has the killer burst damage and some support skills. As for the Mage, it’s the versatility for me – you can pull off some cool combat combos with it.


    Do you have any favorite game modes, activities, or maybe even a costume?

    I’m really into guiding other players on farming and leveling tactics, but PvP is where my heart is at. GvG is my favorite mode because it’s all about teaming up with your friends and encourages strategic play.


    Do you have a favorite game location?

    Yes, it’s that secret place that only a few players know about –


    "Fight Club".


    Do you have any funny or memorable Skylore moments to share?

    For sure, last October’s GvG was a thrill like no other in Skylore. It was so epic that I even recorded it on video: https://youtu.be/Ywvk7n4yf2Q?si=vhZu0c6n4vnweDqx



    Do you prefer playing solo or with your friends?

    Team play all the way! I like to lead – I had my stint as a Guild leader, and it was tough but super rewarding. Crafting battle plans is kind of my thing.


    What kind of videos do you create?

    I’m all about the PvP life and breaking down recourse farming. Right now, I’m making a compilation of Skylore funny moments.


    What is your proudest in-game achievement?

    Well, the proudest achievement is the friends I’ve made – they’re priceless. Like, there’s no medals or pedestals for them. But if we’re talking tangible, I made it to the global TOP-3 in 2023 for the most player kills in Skylore!


    Do you have any advice for new players?

    Keep your cool and don’t sweat the hard stuff. Once you reach level 20, the real fun begins!


    Many thanks to Oflien for their engaging and comprehensive answers!


    See you in the game!

    The Skylore Team

    • Thanks 1
  8. Друзья!


    Давайте познакомимся поближе с первым участником партнерской программы. Мы задали Oflien несколько вопросов, ответы на которые вы можете прочитать ниже.


    Ссылка на канал автора: https://www.youtube.com/@oflienskylore



    Какой никнейм вашего основного персонажа в игре?



    Как давно вы играете в Skylore?

    Больше года.


    За какой класс вы больше всего любите играть и почему?

    Я люблю играть за Охотника и Мага. Мне нравится Охотник за его взрывной урон и механику поддержки, которая есть у класса. Маг же очень универсален и с ним можно реализовывать несколько боевых комбо.


    Есть ли у вас любимые режимы, активности, возможно костюмы в игре?

    Больше всего я люблю обучать фарму и прокачке в игре, но еще я обожаю ПвП. Любимый режим - ГвГ, потому что там есть взаимодействие с друзьями, и можно применить стратегический подход.


    Есть ли у вас любимая локация в игре?

    Да, моя любимая локация — это скрытое в игре место, о котором знают не все игроки —


    “Бойцовский клуб”.


    Есть ли у вас какие-либо забавные или просто запомнившиеся вам моменты, связанные со Skylore?

    Да, это октябрьское ГвГ. Именно там я испытал самое большое волнение за все время игры в Skylore. Я даже снял об этом видео: https://youtu.be/Ywvk7n4yf2Q?si=vhZu0c6n4vnweDqx


    Предпочитаете ли вы играть в одиночку, или любите сражаться вместе с друзьями?

    Я больше люблю играть с друзьями. Мне очень нравится руководить, я был лидером гильдии, и это тяжелая, но интересная работа. Еще мне нравится планировать стратегию боя.


    На какие темы вы любите снимать видео?

    Я люблю снимать про ПвП и рассказывать, как фармить ресурсы. Сейчас я работаю над видео со смешными моментами из игры.


    Что вы считаете своим главным достижением в игре?

    Мое самое большое достижение — это то, что нельзя измерить или сравнить, для него не существует медалей и постаментов. Это мои друзья, и я буду хранить их всех в своем сердце. Но в материальном плане моим самым большим достижением было попадание в ТОП-3 глобальной статистики в 2023 году. Я был третьим в рейтинге, кто убил больше всех  игроков в Skylore.


    Что бы вы могли посоветовать начинающим игрокам в Skylore?

    Наберитесь терпения и не расстраивайтесь из-за трудностей. После 20-го уровня все становится намного веселее!


    Благодарим еще раз Oflien за интересные и подробные ответы на вопросы!


    Встретимся в игре!

    Команда Skylore

    • Thanks 1
  9. image2024-3-11205352.png.723d039d1c202d21aebc20809dca0f7f.png

    For many years, Alaram's soul was tormented by a job he didn't love and a dream he never realized. This made the magician vulnerable to the pernicious magic that split his soul apart. He would have been lost forever in the dark labyrinths of the mind if it weren't for the help of one knower....

    When the shards of personality were glued together, the magician could see in his tricks not just a pale shadow of magic, but a way to give joy even where fear and sadness reign. Then he decided to open a circus, gathering magicians as unserious and fun-loving as he was.

    His old wizard's robe was sewn into a red uniform, and his dirty work boots were painted with a shiny black varnish. And of course, where could a circus performer go without a tall cylinder? The new performance and image of Alaram was a resounding success, winning the hearts of audiences in every corner of Arkeon.

    photo_2024-03-25_15-43-05.jpg.ef3dd4438ef4273ca5b7f503d1b50fbd.jpg photo_2024-03-25_15-43-08.jpg.d772288a0eb8969889e47c386247d964.jpg

  10. image2024-3-11205352.png.b36bfd991cd2ef29816a3d3a5354aad2.png

    Много лет душа Аларама терзалась от нелюбимой работы и несбывшейся мечты. Это сделало фокусника уязвимым для пагубной магии, расколовшей его душу на части. Он бы навсегда пропал в тёмных лабиринтах разума, если бы не помощь одного знающего…

    Когда осколки личности были склеены, волшебник смог увидеть в своих фокусах не просто бледную тень магии, а способ дарить радость даже там, где царят страх и печаль. Тогда он решил открыть цирк, собрав таких же несерьёзных и весёлых магов.

    Старая чародейская мантия была перешита в красный мундир, а грязные рабочие сапоги покрашены чёрным блестящим лаком. И, конечно, куда циркачу без высокого цилиндра? Новое представление и образ Аларама имели оглушительный успех, завоевав сердца зрителей в каждом уголке Аркеона.

    photo_2024-03-25_15-43-05.jpg.a34334ef5ed8eb34eb90ed8cd3ea3419.jpg photo_2024-03-25_15-43-08.jpg.f7e4fa0b33407787b685194714dcac2e.jpg

  11. On 3/22/2024 at 2:27 PM, WoW said:

    Расслабились и деграднули 🤣  Простите ,но эти портянки не достойны первого места . Оформление -никакое . Картинки не открываются.  Пусть переделывают. 

    Здравствуйте. Картинки не открываются из-за бага форума. Несправедливо было бы лишать игрока из-за этого заслуженного им места.

    • Like 2
  12. On 3/22/2024 at 2:32 PM, DaKickZzz said:

    Пасиб, что удалили мой пост, а посты своих протеже оставили, гениально.


    Ваше сообщение было удалено исключительно за оскорбление игрока. На всякий случай напомню, что правилами Skylore это запрещено.

    Вы можете выражать свое мнение касательно результатов конкурса, но не надо переходить черту.

    • Like 1
  13. @DaKickZzz Здравствуйте! Безусловно, в прошлом году были отличные гайды, однако по условиям конкурса они не могли принимать участие в этот раз.

    Мы долго принимали решение и посчитали, что все победители достойны своих мест. Результаты пересмотрены не будут.

    Что касается ссылок, это баг форума, у нас изображения отображаются. Попробуйте очистить кэш браузера. Если не поможет, будем разбираться...

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  14. 2024 Guide Contest Results




    It's time to finalise the results of the guide contest!


    We would like to thank all the participants for their interesting and useful guides! Each of your guides has become a valuable resource to help other players explore the world of Skylore. Your willingness to share your experience is extremely valuable to the Knowers' Order!


    And here's the list of winners by category:


    Secrets of Mastery

    Prize — 3,000 diamonds


    The Mage Guide 2024 I Darrom —


    2024 [PvP The Hunter Guide] by RØFEL | [LØR] RØFEL —


    Important Instructions 

    Prize — 1,500 diamonds


    Guild Assignments - Anomaly Zone | Малютка —


    Triumvirate Guide I Ránny —


    Useful Tips 

    Prize — 750 diamonds


    Tower Defense for Beginners | Майар —


    A special attention deserves a guide for beginners:


    Guide Tips for Beginners | Al Qantara —


    Rewards for the winners will be sent out today by the end of the day. All the guides prepared within the contest will be moved to the "Guides" section of the forum.


    Thanks again to every participant for your efforts and creativity - you make our community brighter and more interesting!


    Congratulations to the winners!

    Skylore Team

  15. Итоги конкурса руководств 2024




    Пришло время подвести итоги конкурса руководств! 


    Благодарим всех участников за интересные и полезные гайды! Каждое ваше руководство стало ценным ресурсом, помогающим другим игрокам сориентироваться в мире Skylore. Ваше стремление делиться опытом неоценимо для Ордена Знающих!


    А вот и список призеров по категориям:


    Секреты мастерства

    Приз 3000 алмазов


    Руководство по чародею 2024 I Darrom —



    2024 [PvP Гайд на Охотника] by RØFEL | [LØR] RØFEL —


    Важные наставления

    Приз 1500 алмазов


    Поручения гильдии - Зона Аномалий | Малютка —


    Руководство по Триумвирату I Ránny —



    Полезные советы

    Приз 750 алмазов


    Защита башен для начинающих | Майар —


    Отдельного внимания заслуживает гайд для новичков:

    Советы для новичков | Al Qantara —


    Награды призерам будут разосланы сегодня до конца дня. Все гайды, подготовленные в рамках конкурса, будут перенесены в раздел форума “Руководства”. 


    Ещё раз спасибо каждому участнику за ваши усилия и творческий подход — вы делаете наше сообщество ярче и интереснее!


    Поздравляем победителей!

    Команда Skylore

  16. Здравствуйте! Вы можете временно убрать сундук на склад и открыть его позже. Сражаясь со своими согильдейцами, вы помогаете им получить свои сундуки и заработать место в рейтинге для гильдии. :HelloLapkaRobastica:

  17. Skylore Partner Program




    Many of Arinar's heroes excel not just in combat, but also in the arts. We're excited to support Skylore's avid players keen on sharing their triumphs and insights across various channels – and offer some sweet bonuses to reward continued and fruitful partnerships!


    Meet the Video Creator Partner Program! We're looking for dedicated creators who draw inspiration from the world of Skylore and are eager to create content about the game for YouTube and TikTok.

    Partner Program Benefits

    Direct Chats with the Developers

    Sign up for the Program to gain access to exclusive discussions with the Skylore developers on dedicated Discord channels.


    Spotlight in Our Communities

    We’ll amplify your voice by featuring your videos on our official channels, helping you reach a wider audience.


    Standout Roles on Discord and the Skylore Forum

    Stars are meant to shine bright! As a Program partner, you’ll snag special statuses on both our Discord server and Skylore Forum.


    Giveaways for Viewers

    Host your own platform contests and giveaways, and we’ll chip in with some awesome rewards for your viewers to win!


    Monthly Rewards

    Stay active in the Program to pocket bonuses each month. The rewards will vary based on how high you rank in the Program and if your videos hit a few extra requirements.

    How do I Join the Skylore Partner Program?

    1) You must be at least 16 years of age.

    2) You must be an active player in Skylore with at least one character at mastery level 15 or higher on your account, and not have any permanently banned Skylore accounts.

    3) You must own the channel involved, and be able to prove ownership.

    4) You must comply with the rules of the platform you upload your content to.

    5) You must comply with the Rules of Conduct, License Agreement, and the Terms & Conditions of the Skylore Partner Program.

    6) At least 70% of your channel’s content must be dedicated to Skylore.

    7) You must maintain a consistent schedule when uploading videos. If you’re making two videos each month, try to spread them out evenly rather than upload all at once or in the same week.

    8) Keep it real with your channel's views and subscriber numbers; avoid driving up the numbers artificially.

    Terms & Conditions of the Skylore Partner Program



    1. Definitions

     1.1. The following terms used in these Terms & Conditions are defined as follows:

     1.1.1. Administrator – an authorized representative of the Skylore team who interacts with participants of the Program.  

     1.1.2. Channel – a YouTube or Twitch channel, or a TikTok profile, owned by an Author.   

     1.1.3. Author – the individual who creates videos or livestreams as part of the Partner Program.    

     1.1.4. Partner Program – the project aimed at fostering a community around Skylore and supporting creators of original video content and livestreams.

     1.1.5. Video – a brief film created to instruct, inform, or entertain, specifically about the game (Skylore).

     1.1.6. Stream – a real-time broadcast of the game (Skylore) by the Author.  

     1.1.7. License Agreement – the legal document that outlines the relationship between the Skylore Team and the Skylore User.


    2. Video and Streaming Content

     2.1. All Streams and Videos must be the original creative work of the Author, with the Author retaining sole ownership of the published content.

     2.2. The Author must ensure their Streams and Videos do not contain:

     2.2.1. The use of tobacco products (including cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, smoking pipes, chewing tobacco, etc.) or the consumption of alcoholic beverages without informing viewers of the associated risks and legal consumption requirements.

     2.2.2. The depiction of prohibited substances or products related to drugs, either directly or indirectly.

     2.2.3. Adult content, including pornographic, erotic, or provocative visual or audio materials. 

     2.2.4. The portrayal of physical and/or psychological violence, including content that may shock viewers or encourage dangerous or illegal activities. 

     2.2.5. Discriminatory content related to politics, religion, or intolerance towards individuals or groups, including social minorities or different ethnicities.

     2.3. Videos and Streams must not infringe on copyright, patent laws, or other forms of intellectual property, as defined by law, including privacy rights, the right to authorize or prohibit public use, or any third-party rights.     

     2.4. Content within Streams and Videos must not harm the reputation of Skylore employees, representatives, or other games created by the company.     

     2.5. Content must not be interpreted as encouraging actions or inactions that contravene the Skylore License Agreement, including any fraudulent gaming schemes. Links or references to websites or other resources containing such information are strictly prohibited.

     2.6. The Author is required to use the full name of the game, Skylore, in the titles and descriptions of Videos and Streams.     

     2.7. Content within Videos and Streams must comply with the legal regulations of the jurisdiction where the content is recorded.


    3. Intellectual Property and Licensing

     3.1. Authors grant the Administrator a limited, worldwide license to use, copy, publicly display, reproduce, distribute (either directly or through third parties), and publish their Streams and Videos. This license is granted freely and perpetually.


    4. Conduct Guidelines

     4.1. Authors must comply with the terms of service and community guidelines of the platforms they use for streaming or video publishing (YouTube, Twitch, TikTok).

     4.2. Authors are prohibited from:

     4.2.1. Engaging in or promoting fraudulent activities meant to artificially inflate subscriber counts, content views, or otherwise manipulate metrics.

     4.2.2. Breaching the Skylore License Agreement or incite others to do the same.

     4.2.3. Utilizing or endorsing third-party software that affects the game client or gameplay, or making unauthorized modifications or additions to the game.

     4.2.4. Soliciting account information from users or disclosing users' personal data without obtaining their explicit consent beforehand.


    5. Data and Privacy

     5.1. Upon request, Authors are obligated to provide the Administrator with statistics regarding their streams, videos, and channel.

     5.2. Authors must submit accurate contact information to the Administrator when applying for the Partner Program and promptly notify any changes to this information.

     5.3. Authors must not disclose any information deemed confidential by the Administrator or any other private information.


    6. Agreement Duration and Termination

     6.1. An Author officially joins the Partner Program upon receiving confirmation via email or other means.

     6.2. Membership in the Partner Program ceases automatically if the Program is terminated.

     6.3. The Administrator reserves the right to suspend or terminate an Author's participation in the Partner Program at any time and for any reason, with a one-month notice, without any form of compensation. Grounds for termination may include, but are not limited to:

     6.3.1. Violation of any terms of the Partner Program by the Author.

     6.3.2. Lack of response from the Author for more than 14 days following an attempt to make contact using the provided details.

     6.3.3. The published content fails to meet the Administrator's standards for quality or informativeness.

     6.3.4. Suspected involvement in fraudulent activities that artificially inflated subscriber numbers or view counts on the Channel.

     6.3.5. Authors reserve the right to withdraw from the Partner Program without retaining any benefits, which they must communicate to the Administrator at least 7 calendar days prior.


    7. Additional Provisions

     7.1. Participation in the Partner Program does not establish an employment, agency, partnership, or legal representative relationship between the Author and the Skylore Team. Authors do not have the authority to obligate the Skylore Team, nor can the Skylore Team be held liable for the actions of Authors.


    As we kick off our Partner Program, we're excited to team up with content creators for YouTube, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok. If you make videos about Skylore or stream the game on other platforms, shoot a direct message to Molly or Ruscunárë for more details!



    Participation Qualifications (over the last 30 days)

    Novice Chronicler

    (level 0)

    Mature Chronicler

    (level 1)

    Renowned Chronicler

    (level 2)

    Celebrated Chronicler

    (level 3)

    Number of videos/streams dedicated to Skylore

    at least 2 videos a month

    at least 2 videos a month

    at least 3 videos a month

    at least 4 videos a month

    Monthly view count (for all videos)


    at least 400

    at least 2,000

    at least 8,000

    Monthly perks in Diamonds and other in-game items






    Technical Requirements

    When making your videos, feel free to use your own Skylore footage or assets provided by the Administrator. Just remember, the provided assets are not for sharing with others and are meant exclusively for use in the Partner Program. If you're looking to use materials from other sources in your content, it's on you to secure the necessary permissions.


    1) Make sure your videos or livestreams run for a minimum of 5 minutes. 

    2) We're looking for crisp, clear image and sound quality, with video resolutions of at least 1280x720 for 16:9 aspect ratios, or 640x480 for 4:3. 

    3) Keep your videos free from distortion and true to their original proportions.

    4) Your videos should be shareable and embeddable across different platforms.

    5) Unleash your creativity and weave a narrative. Dive into Skylore's unique progression system, the thrills of PvPvE in the Adamantine Grotto, the challenge of the Arena, the depths of Dungeons, Guild life and activities, or the saga of your own hero. Whatever you choose, let your creativity shine!

    6) Remember to switch off chat notifications while recording to keep your video clean. You can do this by heading into the Game chat, clicking on the Settings button in the top right corner, and selecting Disable Notifications.

    7) Keep your content fresh without repetitions.

    8) Any form of plagiarism or recurrence of other creators' videos are strictly prohibited.

    9) The provided materials are for your videos only.

    10) Your videos are to include the following tags in the description: #Skylore #MMORPG #RPG #PvP #PvE #PvPvE.

    11) Make sure to attach the game link in the description: https://skylore.onelink.me/QWOx/1o3o1ruc.


    Shorts, TikTok

    Participation Qualifications (over the last 30 days)

    Novice Chronicler

    (level 0)

    Mature Chronicler

    (level 1)

    Renowned Chronicler

    (level 2)

    Celebrated Chronicler

    (level 3)

    Number of videos/streams dedicated to Skylore

    at least 4 videos a month

    at least 4 videos a month

    at least 8 videos a month

    at least 12 videos a month

    Monthly view count (for all videos)


    at least 400

    at least 2,000

    at least 8,000

    Monthly perks in Diamonds and other in-game items





    Technical Requirements

    1) Make sure your videos run for a minimum of 15 seconds. 

    2) We're looking for crisp, clear image and sound quality, with video resolutions of at least 1080x1920 for 9:16 aspect ratios. 

    3) Keep your videos free from distortion and true to their original proportions.

    4) Your videos should be shareable and embeddable across different platforms.

    5) Unleash your creativity and weave a narrative. Dive into Skylore's unique progression system, the thrills of PvPvE in the Adamantine Grotto, the challenge of the Arena, the depths of Dungeons, Guild life and activities, or the saga of your own hero. Whatever you choose, let your creativity shine!

    6) Remember to switch off chat notifications while recording to keep your video clean. You can do this by heading into the Game chat, clicking on the Settings button in the top right corner, and selecting Disable Notifications.

    7) Keep your content fresh without repetitions.

    8) Any form of plagiarism or recurrence of other creators' videos are strictly prohibited.

    9) The provided materials are for your videos only.

    10) Your videos are to include the following tags in the description: #Skylore #MMORPG #RPG #PvP #PvE #PvPvE.

    11) Make sure to attach the game link in the description: https://skylore.onelink.me/QWOx/1o3o1ruc.

    Rewards for Creators on YouTube, Shorts, Tik Tok


    Novice Chronicler

    (level 0)

    Mature Chronicler

    (level 1)

    Renowned Chronicler

    (level 2)

    Celebrated Chronicler

    (level 3)


    Diamonds x200

    Diamonds x500, Mysterious Tome х3 (Rare) 

    Diamonds x1,200, Mysterious Tome х3 (Rare)   

    Diamonds x2,500, 10 Defense Orb, Transformation Scroll: Power х3, Transformation Scroll: Defense х3, Adamantine Crystal х50

    Intangible Rewards

    Discord and Forum status: Novice Chronicler

    Discord and Forum status: Mature Chronicler

    Discord and Forum status: Renowned Chronicler

    Discord and Forum status: Celebrated Chronicler

    Video Themes

    Every now and then, especially when big updates come out, we'll toss out some ideas for your videos. You're not obliged to follow these prompts, but if you do whip up a video inspired by one of our themes, expect a little bonus in your reward for that month!

    Extra Rewards for Videos Aligned with the Suggested Themes (Applies to All Level)

    Content Match to Suggested Theme

    25% of content fits the theme

    50% of content fits the theme

    100% of content fits the theme

    Additional Rewards

    +10% Diamonds

    +20% Diamonds

    +40% Diamonds

    Skylore FAQs Guide

    Got a question from a viewer that's got you stumped? No worries – we've put together a handy FAQ guide to help you out.


    How do I level up in Skylore?

    When talking about leveling up, it's key to mention that Skylore's system is pretty unique – it's not about grinding quests for experience. Instead, let your viewers know they'll need to focus on mastering talents and gearing up to climb the levels.


    Does race matter in Skylore?

    Race in Skylore is all about looks – it's purely cosmetic. So, no special racial skills to worry about. Players can pick whatever look they like and it won't change a thing in their gameplay.


    I'm in the Legion, but my friend’s with the Sentinels. How do we play together?

    No problem at all! The only differences between factions are their starting quests and capitals. You can totally party up with your friend for activities, join the same Guilds, and chat no matter your faction.


    What's the deal with picking a class?

    It's all about how you like to play. Dig ranged combat? Aim for the Hunter or Mage. Prefer sneaking and dealing damage up close? The Shadow is your go-to. If taking hits is more your style, the Guardian is your tank. And for those who like to keep their team fighting fit, pick the Alchemist.


    What about in-game purchases?

    When it comes to in-game purchases, it’s important to clarify that these just speed up your hero's progression. Whatever is for sale can also be earned by playing the game.


    Where can I play Skylore?

    Right now, you can download Skylore from AppStore and Google Play Games. Though we're planning to expand to more platforms soon!


    What languages can I play Skylore in?

    Skylore is currently available in Russian, English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and German.

    How to Apply

    By applying for this program, you're confirming that you've thoroughly read through the Partner Program's Rules, the Skylore License Agreement and Rules, the technical requirements for content – and also familiarized yourself with all the details provided on this page.


    To complete your application, please provide the following information: https://forms.gle/AVP8mdX7iNZNDVPh6


    What’s Next after I Submit My Application?

    Once your application is in – and if it's a green light – you'll hear from the Skylore Discord server administrators through a Discord DM within the next 7 working days. So, make sure to double-check that your DMs are open before you apply for the Partner Program!


    How Will We Communicate?

    We keep in touch with our Partners over on the #chroniclers channel on our official Skylore Discord server. If you're brought on board, you'll get added to the channel and, based on how you rank as a Partner, you'll snag a corresponding role, from the Novice Chronicler all the way up to the Celebrated Chronicler – with the Mature and Renowned Chroniclers in between. If we need to hash out details, our administrators might also get into your DMs for a quick chat.


    How Will I Get My Rewards?

    We send out rewards between the 5th and 15th of each month, following your report. All your rewards land straight in the in-game Mailbox of the character you've listed in your application. The amount you get will match up with your Partner level and how well your videos fit any extra themes.


    How Will You Rank Me?

    Our administrators do a check-up on channels monthly to make sure everyone's hitting their level marks. To reach a certain level, you need to upload the right number of videos monthly and pull in the views needed (check the participation terms above for the details on views and video counts).


    I Want to Level up in the Partnership!

    You've got 60 days to reach enough views and create the quota of videos for the next level you're eyeing. 


    What If I Go Silent on the Administrators?

    If our administrators need to clarify something, they'll reach out to you via Discord DMs. If you go missing in action for 14 days without giving them a heads-up about being away, you'll be removed from the Program


    Where Do I Find the Extra Month Themes?

    Check out the #chroniclers channel on Discord every month for the latest themes that can earn you an extra reward. These themes will be laid out in a thread format, with a fresh thread for each month. Got a video that fits a theme? Drop a link in the thread before the month wraps up!


    Looking forward to your applications!

    The Skylore Team

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