Detailed information about the additions, improvements and changes in the new version of the client, aimed at expanding the possibilities, information content and additional motivation for participating in guild PvP, as well as a description of other changes and edits in a minor Skylore update.
Guild PvP - Ratings and Seasons
The era of unrecorded guild confrontations in the lands of Archeon and Skylore is coming to an end, and all because we are introducing new mechanics to guild PvP that will help your team gain glory in the eyes of brave heroes, and in the future - compete for pleasant bonuses.
The system is as simple as possible: all guild war events will take place within 12-day seasons. At the beginning of the season, each guild receives 500 rating points, which will increase or decrease, depending on the outcome of events in the guild wars.
With the start of each next season, all guilds will start with 500 rating points, regardless of the results of the previous one.
You can get acquainted with the Guild Wars Rating in the new interface, which is located in the corresponding activity tab.
In the current version, you will be able to see your position in the ranking, as well as the 10 most successful PvP teams, but in the future we do not exclude the possibility of expanding the displayed positions of the ranking.
In addition, after the start of the season, you will always have the opportunity to check the results of the previous one.
To find your guild in the PvP ranking of the season, you need to take part in at least one war within it.
We have also prepared a list of clarifications that determine the work and balance of the mechanics:
Guild war events that are active at the start of the first season (launch of the current update) will not be included in the rating calculation.
You will not be able to challenge another guild if you do not have enough rating points to "pay" with in case of defeat.
You can participate in wars declared to you without restrictions at any time.
If the rival guild that you have declared war on does not have enough rating points to “pay” you, then you will take the entire balance, or you will not receive anything if the opponent has no rating points.
You will not be able to declare war on another guild if there are fewer than two days left before the end of the season, since all events must end within the season.
If the level of the rival guild is lower than yours, then you will receive significantly fewer points for winning the event (depending on the difference in levels), but if you lose, you will lose a little more.
With these new additions, guild PvP will become much more exciting, and after a few seasons spent, your feedback and improvements to the mechanics, we will be ready to add additional motivation to the Ratings.
However, we have already prepared an additional useful tool:
Guild PvP - Event Details
Another new feature will be a nice addition to the Ratings - detailed information about guild PvP events.
By clicking on any current or one of the last 30 completed events, you can open an interface where you can get acquainted with the results of the battle in detail.
In addition, you will be able to access this information, not only as part of the events of your guild, but also in the interface for viewing information about another team.
Such data will help you determine: which of the guild members usually contribute more to the battles and require special attention, and who is the weak link and an easy target to win the battle and get the coveted rating points!
Class Changes
We have made changes in the way some classes' abilities and effects work, namely:
We will review the mechanics of the new passive ability “Grand Entrance” in one of the next updates.
Using the Thousand Blades ability no longer applies negative effects to already defeated enemies.
Using the “Teleport” ability now resets the target from the character for all enemies.
The “Blizzard” active glyph of the “Ice Sphere” ability no longer breaks the character from invisibility.
Fixed the description of incorrectly specified bonus values in the talent tree.
Fixed the mechanics of the “Supervision” glyph of the “Immortal Defenders” ability.
Changes have been made to the work of the effect from the “Taunt” ability - now it correctly affects melee characters.
Other changes
Of course, since the last update, we've been doing other things as well. Here's a list of the ones we've completed so far:
A new feature has been added to the merchant interface that allows you to mark items and sell multiple items with a single tap. We talked about this mechanic in our community.
For characters above level 20, a temporary ability to activate PvP mode on the second floor of the Adamant Grotto has been added. After the release of new locations, restrictions will return.
Redesigned the display of reputation requirements for purchasing goods in the Guild Store tab.
Reduced the size of the icons of the sections of the Store, to fix errors with incorrect transfers of their names.
Fixed a bug due to which the guild could not declare war on another collective, even if the number of outgoing wars did not exceed 5 events.
Fixed a number of bugs due to which information about the guild and its members could be displayed incorrectly, both in interfaces and above the character's nickname.
Fixed scrolling error in the tasks section in the Activity Center.
Fixed a number of graphical errors in the Guild Wars activity interfaces.
Fixed a number of errors that occurred during interaction with the Prison entity.
Changes have been made to the effects applied by creatures from the “Battle with the Dark” quest, performed within the new dynamic area. Insane Shadow now only casts one offensive spell on one of the nearby heroes. We've also changed the effect of the ability to a more themed animation.
Weakened the NPC Runas, who must be fought in one of the side quests.
Increased the respawn time of monsters in the task “Crystal flowers”.
That's all we wanted to tell you today, and as usual, not all that we have been working on and continue to work on at the moment. Don't forget to tell us your opinion about the changes in Skylore 1.10, and also follow the news so that you don't miss the information about what awaits you in October ;)
See you in the game!