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Everything posted by Alqantara

  1. Some tips that i posted in reddit some time ago... Of course there's nothing "Game Changing" for those who already play the game for a while, but it can be useful for people starting. 01 - Prioritize making the arenas in a group to increase your chances of winning. 02 - Before level 20, always complete the arena league of your level to receive the rewards (green and blue equipments). 03 - Avoid spending, if possible, alchemical stones and defense orbs before obtaining level 20 equipment. 04 - Do not reforge non-lvl 20 and above equipment. This will only make you spend resource, in lvl 20 those equipments will be changed. 05 - Always try to make the world bosses (Gnawer, Baladrog, Decayra) if you have shards to unlock the chests and if the drops are available. 06 - Try to be in a guild that can active buffs that give more gold and knowledge. 07 - When possible, participate in Guild Raids to earn gold and knowledge. 08 - Farm contract of gorgors. By the way some monsters drop those contracts before lvl 20 (word say that boars and wolfs in mountain). You can separate a day to do all contracts at once. If you can get the rest buff, guild buff and skypass buff they will give you a good amount of gold and knowledge. Some people in this lvl wait to have more level than the lvl in the contrat, maybe this make easy to make they. Stay in mind that some class have huge trouble completing those, so be prepare. 09 - It's up to you if you will rush to lvl 20 merging rare gear you get or leveling slowly waiting to drop the right equipments that you want and levelling those. If you want to combine equipments before lvl 20 is up to you (pass they of uncommon to rare). I do not recomend though as this will consume a lot of resources, but if you do, get all rewards from the league before and do this only to one or two... 09.5 - What i say in item 9 can apply for equipments above lvl 20 too. 10 - Do not level up "uncommon" level weapons (green), after lvl 17 leagues have rewards that drop "rare" level weapons. Therefore, it is not necessary to level up a weapon of an "uncommon" level. 11 - I would always prefer to level rare equipments, but is not the end of the world leveling uncommon, just make with caution. 12 - When you reach level 20, be patient. Prioritize getting rare items (blue) over matching items of the uncommon type (green). You get rare items through league rewards, bg, and 12-hour chests. 13 - At lvl 20, consider purchasing the item "Blacksmith's Chest" from the guild shop. This chest can drop both common and uncommon quality items, as well as being able to drop common quality items with hardening. Remember that leveling an item up to the highest qualities requires a lot of resources and is not advisable. It gives two kind of scrolls too, one you can use in pvp the other one in pve. 14 - Events always give good amount of gold and knowledge, so do not miss those. 15 - If you can do not let your talent page too far behind. 16 - Arena of level 20 forward, especially in the beginning, its hard. If you want to increase your chances of winning buy and use the scrolls from the guild shop.
  2. I was talking with a friend of mine and he brought to my atention that the hability "Instinto Animal" of the hunter has a very low range. Let's say, in a one on one battle, a hunter against a shadow, the shadow can jump in the hunter's head without being see it, even if the hunter has this passive and the pet alive. So this passive is not very good to be honest, even in a teamfight it will be almost luck to see the shadow. I suggest a increase of the range in this passive. Let's say to 5 meters instead of 3 meters. I am considering that more than half of the habilities of the shadow have more than 3 meters range.
  3. I really liked those chapters in format of post. It helped me to understand more of the lore. Can we have new chapters with the in game story? I mean, with everything we did till now. The progression of leveling in the game is a bit slow thus making the lore a bit hard to follow up. I mean when a new main quest is unlocked i already forgot about the last part. Having chapters here in the forum will really help to follow up and understand the lore. By the way, last week we are talking about the lore on discord, so is something that people is interesting.
  4. The paragraph that starts with "Leaving my contemplations [...]" is duplicated.
  5. Follow some suggestions that i think will improve the game or better the quality of somethings Update 13/11/2023, The risky ones are what they already done it. (Don't know if they done because of this post, but i like to think that yes lol) 1 - Double the reward for dailies quest, but make they be one time per day instead of two times a day. 2 - Increase guild member capacity 3 - Make cost of guild buffs based in the numbers of buffs. Example 1 buff spend 1k energy, 2 buffs spend 10k energy, 3 buffs spend 20k energy, 4 buffs 40k energy. The new cost doesn't look fair to new guilds 4 - Make the chests of 12 hours drop always at least one blue item. I think this will retain more players after level 16. Would be Nice more players in higher levels. Will make progressivement more smooth. Its a common complaint of the community. 5 - Dailies of Tenebris give double Gold and Knowledge when compared with other dailies. Should've give double Archeon Crowns too. 6 - Make more achievements to players pursuit. 7 - Create a duel option. 8 - Make a PC Version or make the game viable via Google Play Games (New emulator Android made by Google) 9 - Change the raid ui, putting all the players in the same group or create a option that the player can create a group with more than 4 peoples. Maybe 8 players per group. 10 - Create a option that players can create groups with more than 4 peoples, for specific tasks Like gvg, raid. 11 - Create a feature of dual Especialization. As a player, i know that this would help a lot. Create a feature in the game that allows the exchange of shards spent on skills to another set previously predefined by the player. Something similar to the "Dual Specialization" feature of wow. The reason is that there are different choices of skills and glyphs between pvp and pve. Having to reset the glyphs for better performance in pvp or pve becomes a nuisance. 12 - Arena Slice after level 20. Maybe 20-24, 25-28, 29+. 13 - Guild Anomaly Quest Button. Possibly change the interface with the guild anomaly quests or add a confirmation before being able to start the quest. 14 - Create a option of GVG 4x4, 5x5 or 8x8. 15 - Add KDA (Kill, Death Assists) system to the game. A table with those information plus, damage done, damage taken and heal done. 16 - Create a option that we can select to see informations on screen like ping, latency. 17 - Raid Ratings. Today looks like we only can see the ratings of the last attempt raid made. For example if your guild did the spider raid on normal difficulty, there is no way that you can see the ratings of the high difficulty and vice-versa. Make possible for us to select what difficulty ratings we want to see. (This kind of information don't exist anymore, now we have "guild hunts") 18 - Create more informations in game. For example "What is the % of success to turn a item from +10 to +11 and etc.?". "What is the % to get a uncommon or rare equipment from their chests?". "What is the % from get a skin fragment from raid chests?" Some of those suggestion are not mine, some are. I included all suggestions that i liked.
  6. I would like to suggest a table with the result of each player after an arena, dungeon or raid match. This table should contain Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, and Healing Performed. For the arena, in addition to the data already mentioned, we could also have the KDA (Kills, Deaths and Assists)
  7. Can we have brazilian / latam servers? There's plans for that? I mean, looks like we are one of the majority of players out there and we've been struggling with the ping and other connection issues.
  8. Ao atingir 450 pontos na liga 4 você ganha um baú azul do arsenal do gladiador. Ao atingir 1500 pontos, você ganha dois baús do arsenal do gladiador. Isso não me soa interessante, uma vez que com 450 pontos você já obteve esse tipo de equipamento. Minha sugestão: Mover a recompensa que se ganha ao atingir 1950 pontos para que seja adquirida ao atingir 1500 pontos. No lugar da recompensa de 1950 pontos colocar outra coisa, talvez invés de dois baús do arsenal do gladiador, um armamento que tenha "endurecimento" (laranja).
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