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Found 8 results

  1. PopRevolt


    Greetings! Introducing a new guild on the block - Absalom! The guild is named after my rather notorious warlock from Warspear-Sapphire. I am the founder of Sithlords on that server, which is the best MC guild to this day. I stopped playing warspear quite a few years ago, but have somewhat recently begun spending a lot of time in Skylore. I aim to make this guild a great and notorious guild similar to how Sithlords was run in warspear (if any of you are familiar with that). We will have an active discord, and eventually cause havoc on the server, farming bosses, spamming arena, and overall having a great time irritating the neighbors. Drop me a line in game @PopRevolt or come say hi on our discord channel which can be found at the bottom of the guild's official website: https://www.absalomguild.com/ Hope to see some early adopters who have faith in my vision and leadership abilities, as I am looking for some assistants to collaborate with and make this guild the best it can be! Cheers!
  2. I know a few balance changes are going to be implemented in the next update.. But i want to give my thoughts just in case. Before the last update, the alchemist class was perfectly balanced in terms of overall contribution at Arena and it also had different playstyles related to the skills being used. Normally the skills used for arena would be as follow: Even though 1 skill was avaliable to be exchangeable due to the high meta importance of the other ones, it still forced alchemists to adopt different playstyles to make use of it. Such thing was possible because those skills were similar in terms of importance or difficulty to use: Thanks to that, the alchemist became a class fun to use, master or engage with. But that dissapeared after the last update. The issue: -Potion Making skill The balance of the four skills shown before was broken, Potion making skill became a high value option, so much that made the other ones worthless to use. It gives a safeguard if HP goes low, its a range skill, can heal from 1% to 100% with just one tap, they cant be destroyed, and they have low CD. It has no counterside at all. So this set of skill became the META option for the alchemist: Besides the disruption in the balance between the skills that killed the diversity of playstyles. There was also a disruption in the balance of classes. The alchemist class wasnt one that had survability issues, in fact it was one of the classes with the highest amount of it. So buffing the potion making skill gave additional instant heal to the class, and it was absolutely unnecesary. Certainly the skill has to be nerfed or be completely deleted from the game. My suggestions/options are: 1- Add a Slow/speed Debuff of 10 seconds to the caster each time it is used. (Speed its a key factor to the survability of the alchemist, so it balances the cost/benefit ratio) 2- Allow the potion entities to be deleted by scrolls 3- Give a higher cooldown, at least 30 seconds 4- Make the skill to be close range only, so the alchemist can only drop potions at 5 meters around his character. 5- Revamp the skill: Drops a huge cauldron of potion at the selected area that gives defense and gives health periodically to the players around it every 5 seconds. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also want to give another suggestion: This skill has instant root of 2 seconds, and gives root again after 5 seconds. But no one ever will happen to stay in it for more than 5 seconds, this makes the innate effect of the skill to be completelly useless. Reduce the timer from 5 sec to 3 seconds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And finally just a request to fix a typo that has been around for more than half a year already: Haste and speed up, has been incremented from 6 seconds to 10 seconds many months ago, but it was never corrected
  3. Hello all, newer player here, roughly been on for about a month(?) now, maining a Nox Mage (Lvl14)...just want some general tips, advice, etc if anyone could offer? Couple key points; tips for arena? Holy hell, why is it so hard to win? Skillwise I Godstomp every player I've encountered, but it just doesn't matter I get wrecked by bads. Also, is there a efficient way to level up faster WITHOUT spending money in their greedy and overpriced shop?
  4. Un nouveau crédo sur Skylore, pour la communauté française. Nous recrutons des joueurs motivés et organisons des tirages mensuels pour tenter de gagner des diamants. Pour l’instant je suis le seul membre actif mais les inscriptions sont ouvert. La condition est de rester franc et d’avoir une activité journalière sur Skylore. Cordialement discord: https://discord.gg/PYbY7zaXAA
  5. A big complaint I have heard from Players is how useless the Chest rewards from the arena are. A great way to assist with this is the ability for players to fuse Arena chests.This wouldn't only allow for better rewards but also help increase the amount of time player spend online to further regenerate Vigor and assist with player progression. The added gear will help high level player create multiple item set for different combat sitnations (ie.pvp, raids, farming ) Another suggestion would be to create a queue list so players can queue up with a specific class or classes. Me personally, i find it difficult when playing a guardian and than get queued with 1-2 other guardians 4 games in a row. This would be a huge eases of life for players.
  6. Hello , I've been playing Skylore online for a while now and I have about 300 in-game hours spread around all my charcters so here are the tips and tricks I learned throughout my journey that will prevent you from doing the same mistakes I did in the beggining and hopefully help you progress faster ! How to level up in the early game (Properly) - At first it looks like an easy task that doesn't need much explaining , but you you are wrong! The game doesn't forgive mistakes in the early game and If you don't follow these tips you will waste a lot of time , resources! It will considerably slow your progression leaving you to wonder what to do next and constantly have the feeling of being stuck on the same level for ages. 1. Do not upgrade your common gear ! The common gear you get from the begging of the game will be used only for a short amount of time after which you will swap it for uncommon gear which you can get from arena or dungeon chests. These Uncommon gear pieces give a bonus stat that can be either: - Resilience for PvP (arena and open world) - Composure for PvE (extra damage on weaker mobs) - Might for PvE ( extra damage on Bosses) BONUS TIP: Its easy to complete arena in the first leagues (4-9 , 10-13) and its the fastest way to get uncommon gear pieces thats why i suggest you to start doing it as soon as you get access. 2. Talent Tree progression and chaos shards. On the talent page the most important thing to get first is the skill , secondly the chaos shards and after that everything else ! Chaos Shards are used to upgrade abilities , which make your charcter a lot stronger (Both for PvP and PvE). 3. Do dungeons to get more KNOWLEDGE ! Knowledge is an essential resource in the game , because it is used to gain permanent mastery by learning talents such as new abilities , passives , chaos shards and its also used for enchancing , reforging and combining gear pieces. To boost your progression to the SKIES you should farm mostly dungeon chests as begginer that way you get lots of knowledge by unlocking them every 3 hours. BONUS TIP: You will need at least one alchemist to complete dungeons fast and efficiently! 4. Using Soul Shards efficienctly. Soul shards are used to cleanse the trasures that you get from the adamante caves. DO NOT use them to cleanse grey treasures its a waste of resources ! Cleanse Epic treasures (dropped from world bosses) , because they are the most VALUABLE - opening them provides you with Defense orbs and Adamante crystals that are used for enchaning and reforging items(also you can sell them for extra gold , but I don't recommend it). Anther option is Uncommon treasures (dropped from cave mini-bosses) they give you a little bit better loot than the grey trasures. Focus on the chests that give knowledge instead of gold. 5. How To efficiently use Vigor ? Vigor is consumed after killing a mob. If you can defeat a mob on your own (even if its harder) DO IT , because you will get more resources that way - if you do it with another player you will get only 50 % of the rewards from the kill. High Level players usually farm mobs that are outside the adamante cave receiving knowledge and gold per every kill and ocassionaly a "Gorgor Contract" as drop - its more efficient method of farming. Also try to spend your vigor before doing your daily quests. There are a lot of people at these zones and it will be hard to solo kill a mob. Vigor is recharged by doing arena , dungeons or battlefields. (For 20000 Vigor you can get about 2000-3000 knowledge and gold or more ) BONUS TIP: If you don't have enough space and keep getting a full inventory use the FREE diamonds the game gives you to buy more inventory slots! 6. Join a Guild. Guilds are a great way to boost your progress ! Advanced and active guilds give you acces to passives such as increased gold and knowledge intake , more loot drops , stats boosts and much more. Also if the guild has raid talent unlocked and active members to do it you can get more resources and valuable items from doing a raid! Don't Forget to contribue to your guild by doing the daily guild assignments which reward you with tokens to use in the guild shop and help the guild to grow! WARNING: Most advanced and active guilds that have raids unlocked usually look for players that are at least level 12! 7. Extra Daily Quests You will receive an extra daily quest at levels 13 and 16- If you are close to or have the resources to reach it DO IT as soon as you can because it gives you acces an extra daily quest that you can run twice every day (1 per 12 h) which increaseas your daily income and youprogress a lot quicker! BONUS TIP(CREDIT : Rogravi ) : At level 23 YOU DON'T get an extra daily quest , BUT your first quest UPGRADES! 8. STOP overusing potions ! Potions can be useful , but they are not a must in order to progress or survive. Also they can become sinkhole for your gold if you use them too often due to their price ! The healing potions have proven to be the most useful - saving you in tough situations which reduces your repairing costs , but only use them if you cannot survive without one ! The Strenght/Health boost potions can be used rarely for harder tasks such as completing "Gorgor Contracts" or when fighting "World Bosses/Raids" which makes them unnecessary to progress. 9. Look for a party or create one. If you struggle to progress in arena league or dungeon runs keep failing due to people retreating try looking for a party or create one! A lot of people are looking for parties in world chat who have difficulties completing these tasks , but you can manage do them together. You will also meet awesome people and possibly make new friends along the way to level together and who knows maybe even you might get invited to join a guild! BONUS TIP : Tavern is usually not used by many people , but i think it deserves to be used more often! 10. Dungeon Floors - Most of the time you need to pass 3 floors and meet the main boss of the dungeon on the 4th floor - If you have reached the 4th floor , but you don't see the main boss you should go back a floor or two and find another path instead of starting a fight , because it will be a waste of time and as we all know the dungeon time is LIMITED to 11min. BONUS TIP: Sometimes the mini-boss rooms can be skipped and you can go to the next floor if you don't trigger boss aggro when walking.
  7. RustoDeAnimo

    chest bug

    when opening a large arena chest, only 1 item fell out 😞
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