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0.43 Update: Changelog


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We are talking about new additions, fixes and improvements in the new version of the client, which will help you receive even more rewards and useful bonuses, as well as bring more convenience and joy to the gameplay.


Reward Calendar

There can never be too many rewards, especially when you can get them just for entering the game!

We've added a 15-day calendar with daily rewards. During this period, you will receive useful resources for the development of your character and his equipment.


Definitely, this mechanic is designed to help beginners in the early stages of the game. However, seasoned travelers will also find useful bonuses for themselves: for example, a new item that allows you to expand your inventory, which we have already told you about in our news.


After taking all the daily rewards, you can expand your inventory by 10 slots. However, in the future you will have the opportunity to obtain inventory expansions in a different way, to further increase your inventory capacity.

Rewards can now be collected once and will not be refreshed. But in the future, we will be able to use the same mechanic to form additional thematic calendars with daily bonuses. We will definitely tell you all the details in advance!


Anonymity on the Battlefield


In the "Battlefield" mode, players often come to arrangements with each other, removing unwanted competitors in order to share the prizes afterwards. Even if this moment is not regulated by the rules of the game, the battle on this principle does not allow the Battle Royale to unfold in full glory.

Therefore, we decided to fix this moment: now, within the gamemode, the names and names of guilds of hostile characters will not be displayed, and it will also not be possible to use the location chat and the context menu of interactions with the enemy. In addition, the costume worn on the character will be visible only to you and your partners.

We hope that such updates will help the mode to become more interesting and fun. However, we have other plans to improve it, which we will definitely introduce in the next updates. For example, working with matchmaking settings to completely exclude series of fixed matches, and, of course, adding premium reward s;)


Summoned Trader


In addition to the inventory expansion, we have added another new item to the game - “Coupon from the underground bazaar”. This consumable will allow you to summon an NPC merchant for 300 seconds, with whom everyone can interact.

You can use the item in the locations of the open world, including in the Adamant Caves, as well as in the Dungeons, to purchase consumables or sell unnecessary equipment. The summoned merchant cannot repair equipment.

Now the consumable will only be available in the premium shop, but we will definitely add it as a free reward to the next Activity season, so that all heroes could try it out and evaluate its usefulness.


Dynamic areas


We received feedback from you that sometimes heroes have to wait too long for some interactivity or monsters to appear in Dynamic Areas, and in some cases, whole queues of people wanting to complete the task are formed.

In the new version of the client, we have significantly reduced the longest timers for refreshing interactivity and the appearance of monsters, so you do not have to spend a lot of time waiting for zombies or a cart with ore.

In addition, we have increased the refresh time for Dynamic Areas to 12 hours. Now quests in all three zones will appear simultaneously twice a day: at 11:00 and 23:00 Moscow time.

In one of the next updates, we will also tidy up the timers of guild assignments, synchronizing them with each other, and also set the global server time to update them.




Now all guild members will be displayed in the member list according to the rank hierarchy — from the leader to recruits, top to bottom.

We have also added a display of total mastery of all participants in the guild windows. Now this information is available to all players, not just in the guild search tab.

We will continue to improve the UI for ease of use, but will also add new content and guild leaderboards..


Changes to character development


We have made many complex changes aimed at simplifying character leveling at the initial stages of development. So, for example, the amount of mastery required to reach 7-20 levels has changed. The overall mastery value for max leveling will remain the same, but players will be able to get the initial levels faster and open access to modes and content much earlier.

We've also made some of the boss and monster encounters easier in the opening storyline and side quests so that new players don't have as much of an tough time, and we've made the minimap and auto path features available sooner.

If for a long time you've been putting off starting to play as another character class, then now is the time to try to develop it! And don't forget to tell us about your experiences.


Mini-map and auto-path


By the way, about the mini-map: we have increased its scale so that it will help you to better navigate the terrain. Now there will be no situations when a marker appears on the screen earlier than on the map.

Now, upon pressing the Track button in the quest journal, your character will automatically start moving to the necessary location.




The support and assistance in battle from this companion is hard to underestimate, but before the update players could summon a whole swarm of them, leaving the opposition no chance.

Now repeated summoning won’t work and one player can only summon one such companion on the location.


Kragg Outskirts


We’ve changed the mechanics of the Baladrog Fireborn boss abiliies, who lives on the second stage of the Adamantine Caves locations for levels 10-14.

Now the boss fight will be much more difficult and fun, and you will need to put in much more effort to win!




Skylore is a place where players from all over the world can unite and go on adventures! For that, we are adding new localization languages to the game: French, German, European Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.

For new players, the language will be automatically set in accordance with the device settings, and if you have played before this update, you can change it in the in-game settings.

If you find a mistake in the translations or would like us to localize the game in any other language, please let us know. We will try to make sure that players from all over the world can seamlessly become a part of the history of the Skylore world!


That's all we would like to tell you today. We hope that these changes will delight you and make your adventure more convenient and fun. 

See you in the game! 

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