NightMarcher Posted January 30, 2023 Share Posted January 30, 2023 (edited) Aloha everyone, let me first say that this guide is based on my personal experience making 3 different Guardians, but focusing on my favorite style and pretty much what most people choose this class for....TANKING. So let's start with stats and how they affect our builds. Note: If you are level 12 or lower and have not done this you will probably want to reset your character to make your life simple. While you are level 9 DO NOT LEVEL UP YET. Instead hit the ARENA hardcore until you collect all the Prizes. These prizes will include Uncommon Gear that will save you alot of resources and give you a large amount of power when you Equip (do not equip them if it will level u to 10). This will also be greatly needed to collect your core gear set in arena from 10-19. STAT DESCRIPTION -Attack Power: Increases Physical Damage. Also increases Bleed damage over time to opponents. -Ability Power: Increases damage done by Abilities. Boosts our Regeneration value, and damage absorbed by our Barrier. -Armor: Decrease Physical Damage recieved by a percent. -Resistance: Decrease Magical Damage recieved by a percent. -Resilience: Decrease Damage recieved from all sources. Also reduces chance of recieving a Critical Hit from other players in PvP areas. -Control Resistance: Reduces how long you are affected by: Stun, Fear, Silence, Root, Taunt, and Sleep. -Block (Class Characteristic): The chance to reduce Directional and Auto Attack damage by 50% (Does not work against Aoe Skills) ARMOR SET All Armor Sets give both the ARMOR and ATTACK POWER stat. Armor sets are selected by players based on the primary stat given once you upgrade them to Uncommon status. The 3 primary level 10-19 sets are: -Adept Set (Composure Stat): This increases the amount of damage you deal to Weak, Regular, and Strong mobs. -Technician Set (Might stat): Increases damage to Elite, Boss, and Champion monsters (also includes Guild Raids). -Gladiator Set (Resilience stat): Our core stat we want to obtain as this Reduces all damage recieved from all sources (not only known for tanking but the best PvP set as the other 2 stats do nothing towards other players). Your Armor will also be broken down into 3 Classes: Light, Medium, and Heavy. (Described below Accessories section) ACCESSORIES All of these will give you the RESISTANCE and ABILITY POWER stat. Just like Armors, Accessories have 3 different Classes to determine stat values: Frantic, Balance, and Guardian. (Description below) -Light Armor / Frantic Accessory: Really High Attack/Ability Power and Low Armor/Resistance. -Medium Armor / Balance Accessory: High Attack/Ability Power and decent Armor/Resistance value. -Heavy Armor / Guardian Accessory: Low Attack/Ability Power and really high amount of Armor/Resistance. Obviously Heavy Armor and Guardian Accessory from the GLADIATOR SET is the most common. This combo will give us the highest amount of Armor, Resistance, and Resilience for optimum defensive value. Note: Though no Guardian ever chooses Light or Medium Armor. There are 2 other selections for Accessories that some players use outside of pure Guardian set. (Sometimes this comes down to RNG, if you cant get the set you want you can always try these options) 1) BRUISER BUILD (All Balance Accessories)- Leans more toward Solo and PvP style players as you have a medium Damage value while still having high defensive stats. 2) HYBRID FIGHTER (Frenzy and Guardian Mix)- You will notice that the Amulet Accessory gives way better stats than the others. So to boost your burst while keeping you tanky, swap out your Gladiator Guardian Amulet for Gladiator Frenzy Amulet. This allows far higher Ability Power to increase your Regeneration ticks and amount your Barrier absorbs. But keeps the Resilience stats to keep your damage mitigation high. This build works best with 2 Frenzy Accessories (one being the Amulet) and 2 Guard Accessories as it targets the highest possible Barrier and Regeneration values. (this build is commonly seen in end game aka 23+ as RNG takes a big role) TALENT TREE The Talent tree is a way to obtain new Abilities and Stats at the cost of Knowledge Points and time. As you gain enough Mastery your character will Level up and unlock the next page of the Talent Tree. Though it is confusing, here is a simple way to prioritize how you want to path the nodes you unlock: -Tank Priority Path Active/Passive Abilities> Chaos Shards> Hit Points> Block> HP Regen> Control Resist> Armor> Resistance > Etc -Bruiser Priority Path Active/Passive Abilities> Chaos Shards> Hit Points> Attack Power> Block> HP Regen> Control Resist> etc Chaos Shards are extremely important for us to become tanky thus why it's 2nd on the Priority list. Once you obtain the Ability and all Chaos Shards in the tree, immediately move on to the next unlocked page unlocking that Ability and Chaos Shards. I get alot of Guardians asking how to power level through a bottleneck (ie stuck at level 15, 16, or even 17 for a week+) but this is not a bad thing. As Guardians are the worst class in mid game (level 12-23, because the DPS classes start to gain scaling skills) this bottleneck gives us time to catch up. Every class gets this bottleneck, so use this time to unlock more Talent Nodes to make use of our optimal end game power spikes (wont make sense to be high level if you will take weeks anyways to unlock the core Talent on that page you have been waiting so long to receive). So if you dont do this during a bottleneck imagine how many low level nodes you could have unlocked while you wait for a single high level node (which takes days to a week to unlock). TANK ABILITY BREAKDOWN As I'm targeting new players with this, I will focus on the Taunt, Aegis, and Hammer of Wrath ability. First of all, the Chaos Shards you obtained from the Talent tree will be absolutely needed to obtain tanking capacity. Each Ability can have a maximum of 3 Talent Crystals equipped at a time. The Talent Crystals are broken down into either a Tier 1 Crystal (requires 1 Chaos Shard to unlock), Tier 2 Crystal (2 Shards needed), and Tier 3 Crystal (needs 3 Chaos Shards to unlock). Second, Aegis is our HEROIC ABILITY. This Ability cannot be removed from our Hotbar but it is a key ability for our class with which several of our Talents and Passives will relate to this skill. So let's get this explained TAUNT- Target a single opponent, forces them to attack us with Auto Attacks for 3 seconds while applying a stack of Weakness. (Our Bread and butter skill but sucks without upgrades) -Challenge (Tier 2)- Ability applies to all Target within 5 meters. (Now this is a Huge Boost, will be very necessary as you keep reading) -Stonewall (Tier 3)- Block all directional attacks for the next 3 seconds. (Once again an INSANELY huge boost for what's to come, our Heroic Ability Aegis). AEGIS- Passive: Gain 3% Block. When you Block an attack, gain 1 Charge. Each charge reduces all incoming Physical Damage by 2%. Active: Gain Barrier effect for 6 seconds equal to the amount of Aegis Charges you have. (The Barrier from this skill is HUGE and as you can see, Taunts Stonewall has insane synergy with Aegis ) -Secondwind (Tier 2): Whenever you gain an Aegis Charge, there is a 30% chance to gain a Regeneration stack (Max 6) (and yet again Taunts Stonewall is showing its prowess) -Revenge (Tier 1): Whenever you recieve damage from an Auto-Attack, there is a 50% chance to reduce the cooldown of Aegis by 1 second (This is such a great Passive as the chance proc can apply to Attacks that are Blocked and even absorbed by the Barrier from this very skill) HAMMER OF WRATH- Deal Physical Damage to a single Target. (Main damage skill in early stages but is a subpar skill in the future). -Healing Blow (Tier 2): Every 3rd time Hammer of Wrath is used, gain a stack of Regeneration for 6 sec. (Time for more Regen stacks but this is still meh, we can make this better) -Vanguard (Tier 1): Decrease this Abilities cooldown by 1 sec for each Blocked Attack. (And yet again, Taunts Stonewall shows its crazy prowess) The Taunt and Aegis skill will forever be part of our arsenal. So prioritize these skills first while Hammer of Wrath will be a temporary skills be an effective one in the lower levels. To best utilize Taunt and Aegis, try to have you Taunt skill off cooldown before using Aegis. Taunt the mob to quickly stack up your Aegis charges. Wait a few seconds before activating Aegis and gaining the Barrier effect. During this time, your Regeneration will be healing you back up and Taunt will be ready to Block more attacks and reapply your Regeneration and Aegis Charges. Rinse and Repeat. Weave Hammer of Wrath in between skills to further refresh those Regeneration procs. With this said I hope this will help all you Guardians to better understand our mechanics and reduce the amount of wasted resources. Feel free to ask me question in the forums or in game and I will be glad to answer if able to. Will be planning to add the mid games skill at a later time and also have a Passive Talents section. Edited February 17, 2023 by NightMarcher Update Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
honormoneys Posted February 4, 2023 Share Posted February 4, 2023 Does the regeneration 5 stack apply? As far as I'm concerned, it's only one stack, not five. In the description, Max is 5 stacks, but isn't that a bug? As far as I'm concerned, it's only one stack, not five. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightMarcher Posted February 7, 2023 Author Share Posted February 7, 2023 (edited) Sadly your right I have noticed that aswell. All it will do is refresh you REGENERATION not actually add another stack of REGENERATION. This is one of the main reasons that in higher leves, HAMMER OF WRATH is replaced by BLADE BARRIER (plus BLADE BARRIER is better for both PvP and PvE uses since it has a higher dmg output, a Defense boost, and an AoE slow effect). I have put in an Error Report about this subject while confirming with other Guardians in my guild. Edited February 7, 2023 by NightMarcher Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightMarcher Posted February 7, 2023 Author Share Posted February 7, 2023 I did get a reply from the MODs. According to them there is no Error. The description is ment to mean the Duration of the Effect not the Value of the heal. I personally believe it was an error when translating the game into English in which it reads: "Effects Stack Based On Duration" Which we think is the total value of each Regeneration Tick. But what they should have described was: "Duration Stacks Based On Effect" Which is the overall Duration of the Regeneration with each Regeneration proc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulnus Posted February 12, 2023 Share Posted February 12, 2023 Vulnus here! Nice guide, it gets straight to the point. Keep it up! 🙂 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightMarcher Posted February 13, 2023 Author Share Posted February 13, 2023 thank you, i get alot of friend invites from new players. i try to assist in game as much as possible. will expand guide in the future. Please feel free to ask any questions and i will be glad to assist. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seli Posted April 5, 2023 Share Posted April 5, 2023 Hey, really nice guide thank you! I would like to know if the guardian has a space in pvp, or is it really a pie oriented class? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barclay Posted August 24, 2024 Share Posted August 24, 2024 Do you have a build for a Mag Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barclay Posted August 27, 2024 Share Posted August 27, 2024 Is this the full build of a guardian Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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