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Maybe some of you already experience that.

i'm in a dungeon with my mate and two other guys, level 15, as us, and without a guild. We start the dungeon and the two other guys plays very weirdly. Tank doesn't tank, and both of us move like they have full lag. and the end of each combat, they both come to the center of the room, wait, and follow me or my mate. We came to the Lord of Flowers, tank doesn't tank and both of them stay on all of the aoe, even the dps. I died because the tank didn't tank, and when i respawn, the two others guys came to me ! They leave the boss combat to join me ! So when i crossed them to return to the boss, they stop, and then they follow me again. So i stopped, go little backward to see if they really follow me, and they do. I go little forward, they follow me and wait, leaving the boss alone with 3 min left, so easy to finish the boss if we go on.

If mods are here, their names are "Micacua" and "Eousaph". I cannnot report them because they didn't send any message in the chat, but wanna explain what's going on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

those are probably in game bots. reporting them won't help because they are bots given to you by the game itself, not some human players who decided to free their time from playing the game and used some third-party software to make those bots

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