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Kindling Harvest


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Every year, the Flame Devourers gather in the wastelands of the Scorched Highlands to hold a grand burnt offering festival, the Fire Harvest. Despite the mortal danger, many people of Arinar take part in the festivities, diving headlong into the ongoing inferno.

Participation in burnings, concerts on a blazing stage or racing through firestorms - all this is just a small part of the madness going on. Hotheads count every day until the start of a new Harvest, but most of all it attracts “creators”.

Whether you're an insane pyromancer, an eccentric artist, or an ardent craftsman, the Devourers use the flames as a brush to breathe life into your creation, then sacrifice it to the flames!


Flame Tamer Armor

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Fire Oracle Costume

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Fire Oracle Arsenal

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