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[2023.02.08] Update 1.20: Changelog


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Looking for information about what is new, improved and fixed in version 1.20? Then you are in the right place!

We’re glad to present:


Path of the Faceless Rework

After carefully studying the data and processing feedback,We understood that the original version of the PvPvE locations of Tenebris did not allow high-level players to properly experience this aspect of the game, so the decision was made to rework these territories.


Even with superficial examination of the new location maps, you can see that they have become much larger. Moreover, not only the size, but also the number of altars with leaders increased.

Yes, such changes will increase the time required to summon the Judge and the Beast, since you will have to charge two more altars, but at the same time, the number of PvP skirmishes for obtaining rewards from the boss will also increase, especially since the spaciousness of the locations will now also contribute to this.


The lower level of the location deserves special attention, as we have introduced additional innovations for it. One of them was often discussed in the community, and we decided to implement it, namely, to add “bushes” to different parts of the location, which can be used for sudden attacks of opponents. The mechanics are familiar to you from the Headhunt Arena and the locations of the Battleground mode.


In addition, in location 4.2, as it is commonly called among the players, the mechanics of “blockages” has fundamentally changed. Now the use of an explosive drill does not block the passage, but on the contrary, it collapses the vaults to create a “bridge” along which you can move between separate parts of the location. The bridge will exist on the location channel for 5 minutes without the possibility of destruction.


The final detail of the current overhauls is the change in the level of these PvPvE locations. Now on the upper level, opponents of level 20-24 are waiting for you, and on the lower tier - 25-29. Along with this, not only the effective level of the character will increase, but also the rewards for defeating monsters.

In the future, we will introduce you to the next tier of the Path of the Faceless, which we are already working on. The location will be bigger, filled with new mechanics and will become the habitat of a new world boss!


Character appearance customization

For some time, the Archeon explorers could not properly express their individuality, but over time we expanded the tools for this purpose: we added costumes to the game, expanded the number of appearance presets, and introduced skins for weapons. However, this was still not enough, so we are happy to present to your attention a new mechanic!


Now you have the opportunity to customize the appearance of your character in detail, fine-tuning its different parts. Depending on gender and race, 5 to 8 elements will be available for you to change:

  • hairstyle
  • face
  • ears
  • beard
  • tail
  • horns
  • skin color
  • tattoos

Moreover, the list is not limited to elements from the appearance presets for your race - you can use beards and hairstyles previously available only for elves, gorrs, noxes and others.

P.S. As part of this update, we've tweaked some of the existing appearance elements, so they may now look slightly different. In addition, we have reduced the number of presets available when creating a character, as some were only slightly different from each other.

Now let's talk more about how it works:

Changes will take place in a new interface called “Wardrobe”. Here you can find all the elements of appearance that you have already received or able to receive, as well as create several looks and quickly switch between them.


The elements for customizing the appearance themselves are gained from catalogs that can be obtained in the open world and game modes, namely: in the chests of the Arena and Dungeons, in the activity center and SkyPass, for defeating the bosses of guild errands, from the chests of leaders in PvPvE locations and in rewards battlefield mode.


Using a catalog gives you one random appearance item that you haven't received yet until you open all of its contents. After that, the catalog can be sold for gold.

In the catalogs, you can also find the appearance elements that we removed from the presets, however, if you had them when you created your character, they will automatically be available immediately.

In order to use the received elements of appearance, you will need a new currency - “Two-Faced Coins”. You can get it, like catalogs, for participating in game activities. For now, this will be the Activity Center, Battleground events, and Guild Raids, but in the future, the sources and amount of currency received may change.


In the next updates, we plan to expand the available list of appearance elements by adding new catalogs, as well as transfer costumes and weapon skins to the Wardrobe to lighten your inventory, but changing them will not require Two-Face Coins.


World Boss Rewards

We are sure that many of you have already thoroughly studied the tactics of fighting the world bosses - Gnawer Baladrog and Decayra. So it will be easier for you to go on a hunt for them again for new rewards - weapon skins!


You can get all three new items from familiar chests, however, we have changed their mechanics: now for killing the boss you will receive not the chests themselves, but their sealed parts. After unsealing them and collecting enough, you can open a chest with a costume or weapon skin inside. Moreover, if you have one of the items, then the next time you open it, you are guaranteed to receive the missing one.


When you defeat a boss, you are guaranteed to receive from 1 to 3 chest parts, and if at the time of the update you already had chests or costume parts in your inventory, they are converted into parts of new chests.

In the future, we will continue to work on this mechanic by improving it and adding new rewards, including cyclic ones. We'll tell you the details later.


Guild raids

For a long time, there was a problem in active guilds - not everyone could get into the raid in order to fight against powerful bosses in the ranks of loyal comrades in arms and receive rewards for this. There was also a reverse situation, when players simply could not collect the required number of heroes to start raids. We solved both problems at the same time!

Now the entire guild will be able to get into each raid, and six characters are enough to launch any of the existing ones.


As in the case of world bosses, the health of raid bosses will depend on the number of participants in the battle, however, the number of skilled and well-equipped fighters still has a positive effect on the outcome and duration of the battle.

Also, as part of this change, we've adjusted one of the Spider Queen's abilities. Now the effect "Spider's Tomb" does not apply to the boss, but the cocoons she summons, until they are destroyed. Their number depends on the difficulty of the boss, and their health depends on the number of raid members.

In the future, we plan to refine the raids - not only by adding new bosses and their difficulties, but also by improving the rating system and introducing new rewards.


Guild wars

Also in version 1.20, we paid attention to GvG. We needed to add some way to get the shackles of war that would encourage players to appear in locations where there is a risk of being attacked. This way was the execution of tasks in Dynamic areas.

This change is not the main way to win the war, but only a tool so that players can win fairly without hiding in safe locations after a single kill. Therefore, the main influx of war points is still the battle with other characters.


We also paid attention to two more points related to guild wars, namely:

  • Respawn for diamonds - now always occurs with a delay of 10 seconds for open world locations and catacombs, and 3 seconds for raids and dungeons.
  • Inspection of other characters - now in this interface, the effective level of the character will be shown only if the target is close to you. In other cases, you will only see the real mastery level, which will make it impossible to hunt down opponents through the guild menu or chat by determining their location.

Even though the changes are small, we ask you pay attention to GvG in the near future so that we can collect as much usage data as possible for the introduction of further improvements and new features. We are already working on some, for example: a new system for awarding points for victory, rewards for rating and participation, including special commemorative items for the guild and character, as well as a new section for the guild store with its own currency and goods.


In the future, there will also be other novelties for the GvG direction, for example, the “Guild Tournaments” mode, but we will talk about this another time.


New season of activities

We have not forgotten about the Activity Center, which, with the advent of a new month, welcomes you with a new season - the Legend of the Leviathan.



Many years ago, every navigator was afraid to see green scales overboard, which foreshadowed death in the mouth of Leviathan - a huge sea serpent that ruthlessly devoured every unfortunate person that got in its way.

But one day, the terrifying giant was defeated, not by strong gorrs, not by powerful elves, but by cunning and courageous frogls. On a small, bright ship equipped with poisonous plants, they went to the domain of the serpent, which, driven by its hunger, swallowed the ship whole.

After a while, a piercing howl broke through the night noise of the waves. The monster beat against the coastal rocks, trying to calm the heat spreading under its scales. In horror, the monster fled forever into the depths, and the frog people made armor from the remnants of the cover, as a memory of their victory.

As always, by completing small tasks you will again be able to get valuable resources for character development and equipment, and Skypass owners will receive not only more resources, but also a new unique outfit - Sea Serpent Shroud.


The bonus chest, available after completing all stages of the pass, has remained unchanged. You can find gold and knowledge in it, as well as additional rewards in the form of diamonds, adamantium crystals, Soul/Shadow shards (depending on the character's level) and extremely rare items - Armor Conqueror of Fire, as well as the Outfit and Arsenal of the Flame Priest. We told and showed the history and appearance of objectsin our forum thread.


These chests are no different from those received in July, so all guaranteed reward counters will not reset, leaving you with the opportunity to get the coveted cosmetic items. We plan to change the chest and its contents no earlier than the October activity season.


Other changes and innovations


In addition to the novelties and improvements described above, we, of course, were engaged in other things that are difficult to combine into a general category. Here are some of them that we have completed:

  • Changed the priority of buffs and effects. They will now be in the following order: key class ability effects, control effects, damage over time effects, other effects and buffs. If we missed something, feel free to tell us about it, because the necessary information about the character's condition received in time can decide the outcome of a battle!
  • Informing about voting for game modes. We moved this interface element to a more convenient place, and in addition, now it will be shown on top of all open interfaces, whether it be inventory or chat.
  • The effects of the scrolls of transformation from the possible rewards for defeating the Judge were not previously carried over to and from the locations of the Contracts with Gorgors. We've fixed it.
  • Now the effect of the Wizard's passive ability Frost Shield disappears after changing location. Also, while the character has an active ability effect, deactivating it and activating it from the list of passive abilities will not reset the effect refresh timer. In addition, the effect no longer protects against damage from the abilities of monsters from the Dynamic Area of Tenebris.
  • We fixed a bug due to which the Haste effect from one of the potions ability buffs was not being granted. In addition, we also reworked the bottles themselves, which are summoned by the ability, so that monsters will definitely not attack them.
  • Guild buff change cost has been changed. This action now requires 30,000 Guild Energy instead of 900. The initial value was unreasonably small, and besides, we have plans for this currency, so it's time to put it in order.
  • We also fixed other bugs related to the autopath mechanic, the availability of generators in the Tenebris Dynamic Region, and incorrect display of costume elements and character appearance. If any of this happens again, please let us know.


This concludes the description of the additions and improvements of the new version and proceed to the preparation of other interesting texts and news that will tell you about the further development of the project and its mechanics.

Be sure to share your feedback on the update, it's very important for the future of Skylore!

See you in the game!

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