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Story Quests Leading to Dungeon Unlock, and Role Pick.


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I really think that it would be an amazing idea if you added quest chains to the dungeons for more of a lore aspect. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to throw that in there, but it would make the dungeons much more interesting. Even little side auests for each difficulty would make it more enjoyable.


The other thing fkf sure is there needs to be role checks because countless times have I entered and everyone abandons because of no healer, no tank or too many of each. 


Thank you, Airgrind


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We plan to introduce new mechanics to the dungeon mode that will diversify and make the run more interesting. We'll tell you about them before adding them to the game.

10 часов назад, dstooze92 сказал:

The other thing fkf sure is there needs to be role checks because countless times have I entered and everyone abandons because of no healer, no tank or too many of each. 

Dungeons are arranged in such a way that a team of any characters can complete it, a tank and a healer are optional. 👆

Thanks for your feedback!

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