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Chronicle: Part VII. «Goblins»


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1086103788_ava_grandson_628670(2).png.f78c7e6b6efd156b9cc00425d3471c29.pngChronicle: Part VII. «Goblins»

The next round in the history of Shelley Books' travel will be the story of his visit to the capital of the goblins - Technopolis.

This part of the chronicle will introduce us to the goblin "hospitality", the infrastructure and the state of the ecology of the main city of these green creatures, as well as talk about other obstacles on the path of the History Keeper.


Year 111 after the Great Cataclysm

Third quarter — 52nd dawn


On seeing my approach, the goblins didn’t bother with any convoy or escort formalities, they just opened fire! I soon realized that my turbocopter was registered to a notoriously famous scammer who managed to severely irritate the local authorities. After meager apologies for such a rude welcome, they handed me a certificate for a new turbocopter. If I knew how many circles of hell I’d have to pass through to get it, I would have continued my journey on water ...

To say I was dumbfounded to be in the goblin capital would be an understatement! Technopolis is truly worthy of its name. Ninety percent of the city is made up of every kind of factory, workshop, and laboratory in existence. The other ten percent is banks, auction houses, and other institutions capable of driving you into debt ten generations deep.

The environment of Technopolis is another matter altogether. Just one deep breath of the local air is guaranteed to make you sick, so I got myself a respirator in a hurry.


Year 111 after the Great Cataclysm

Third quarter — 54th dawn

To my great disappointment, there isn’t a single library in Technopolis! Apparently, collecting historical literature is the business of wealthy aristocrats, so I paid a visit to Mayor Redshield himself. He generously allowed me to examine his collection of books, and after just a few days, I was ready to leave this amazing city.

Year 111 after the Great Cataclysm

Third quarter — 59th dawn

As for my new turbocopter, it turns out I need to submit the following: an income statement, pilot license, a Technopolis municipal parking pass, confirmation of a clean criminal record, and two dozen other documents and requirements that absolutely baffle me. I wasted several days darting between various government offices scattered lovingly all over town. Curse these bureaucrats!


To be continued!

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