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Welcome Players 馃憦


This time I'll show all the tips and trick to you in one post, take your popcorn and milk, sit down and watch carefully.

馃敹 Dungeons Map System 馃敹

Every dungeon maps always have 6 room

聽Where 1 room for main boss, 2 room for mini boss and 3 room for average mobs.

The way to reach the main boss only by this formula

馃憠2 average mobs, 1 mini boss, and after that you will meet the main boss. All you have to do just always remember those formula no matter if it starts with the mini boss first in your first room, the formula always the same. 馃憟

馃敹 Dungeons Chest Rewards System 馃敹

If you wants to get the maximum reward chest on dungeon use the auto queue dungeon, do not search for party dungeon on world chat


This way probably take some time but when you finish it you get the chest that according to your level, even if the members of your party are lower than you. You can do it while doing your daily quests to manage your time.

馃敹 VIGOR 馃敹

Vigor can be check on top left of your character when you check character profile on top left of main screen.


馃憞Vigor information馃憞 .

Win arena increase 300 points

Complete dungeon increase 1000 points

Kill one mob reduced 100 points

馃敹 World boss chest for every class馃敹

If you stressed because didn't get any chest from world boss here are the tips for every class.

馃憠 Guardian, all you need to do only to take and survive from the boss damage, if your low level this is good for you let the higher level tank taunt the boss you just have to take the damage from the boss and survive till the boss fall聽

馃憠 Shadow, it's also easy if you are shadow all you need to do only do a damage to the boss, hit and run, repeat it until the boss fall聽

馃憠Hunter, it's still the same as a shadow, the damager only have to focus on give a damage to the boss and don't forget survive till the boss fall.

馃憠 Mage, Mage also have the same role like hunter and shadow as a DPS.

馃憠 Alchemist, it's job is very simple didn't have to give too much damage to the boss, but only have to heal everybody around or themselves as much as possible.


Edited by Legionaire
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  • Legionaire changed the title to TIPS AND TRICK INFORMATION IN ONE POST | Legionaire
29 minutes ago, Molly said:

@LegionaireEntries for the competition were accepted until 18 March. Unfortunately, we cannot accept your work for the contest. But we will publish your work in the guides section!

Ouh my bad, I thought you guys add more days till 22 march.聽


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