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guardian defense in bosses


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''The contribution consists of two components: the damage done and the healing of the characters who entered the fight with the monster.''

does the guardian's defense not count as a contribution, in which case is the drop of items for him also based on damage?

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10 часов назад, ghonn сказал:

does the guardian's defense not count as a contribution, in which case is the drop of items for him also based on damage?

That's right, the contribution is considered by the damage, however, the guardians have the ability to self-heal - it is also considered 👆

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В 21.01.2023 в 13:20, diogo сказал:

Just enter with a tank in jxj áreas and try to kill any elite with 4 dps hit It, you in the same lvl you never get a chest, try and after comment here , aggro should enter in Thais count

Certain classes in the game perform certain roles - this is the essence of the role-playing game, you can not make all aspects work equally well for all classes.

If you want to increase the chance of getting loot, then try to fight in a group - the contribution to the kill of all members of the group adds up, which is why members of such a group are in priority when distributing loot.

It is not possible to include aggression in the contribution counter, this value is considered in a completely different way than healing or damage.

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