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Сообщения, опубликованные BlazeMG

  1. this is not just a pvp problem. This is a general problem. We need channel switch to farm world bosses and ESPECIALLY event-based world-bosses like Shawron or Ember. Waiting 15+ minutes on the map before the boss respawns because you are afraid that arriving to the map five minutes later will push you to the other channel where you will have to wait 28 minutes instead of 15 IS NOT FUN. It is not fun to stare at a screen for 15 minutes without doing arena|dungeon meanwhile, tapping on the screen to not be pushed out of the game for prolonged afk every few minutes. channel switch is essential game mechanic. Also, it would be really great is event-based world bosses had a respawn cooldown at 23h 55m or 11h 55m instead of 24h and 12h respectively to account for the time it takes to kill it.

  2. This is a bug+suggestion post so I will also copy it to bug branch of the forum. I will also copy it in a letter to support.


    Today I lost 30 diamonds when I used the "replace activity" button. I pressed the button around 4:30 UTC, right after the button turned green. I am not colourblind and I am certain that the button was green. What I think happened is that the server didn't register that action as the action that occurred 24h 00m 01 second after the previous free activity replacement but instead something like 23h 59m 59s. Obviously there is no reason for me to press the button to replace activity for premium currency when there is like 1 second left before the action becomes free. 30 diamonds is NOT the price to pay for saving 1 second of time.

    I don't know if you will restore me those diamonds or not, although it would be kind of you if you did. And I am a free-to-play player so those diamonds weren't purchased for real currency anyway. You did not earn anything from me on that bug.


    The suggestion part

    Rather than solving dozens of disputes from players in similar circumstances every month, it would be much better to solve the problem at its core. The way the game is now it is inevitable that some players will accidentally double tap on chest to get it insta-unlock or accidentally press on the screen right before the "revive at current spot" button appears or, as it happened to me today - press the replace activity button the second after its 24h cool-down is over with a server delay.

    1)- you can put an option to protect your in-game diamond wallet with a password

    2)- you can put an option of the "are you sure?" pop-up window for any premium currency spending action

    3)- you can put a simple checkbox to block the spending of diamonds unless the checkbox is "ticked" in the options.

    the first option is the most secure as it protects your wallet from people who got access to your device and entered the game, but there can be problems with people forgetting their password that they used to protect the wallet.

    the second option can become annoying for players who are more willing to spend money and don't want to see those annoying pop-ups

    the third option is the option I suggest to implement. For all players who want to spend currency - nothing will change. They will just leave the option "ticked". But for all free-to-play players who have a very limited amount of diamonds from various events, this option is a HUGE quality-of-life improvement of the game. With that checkbox unticked all blue buttons will be greyed-out. So even if you press the button to replace activity or revive at spot or insta-unlock the chest, it will simply not work.

    Implementing this checkbox is extremely simple. It doesn't take much coding skill. It is a simple if then else statement.

  3. This is a bug+suggestion post so I will also copy it to suggestion branch of the forum. I will also copy it in a letter to support.


    Today I lost 30 diamonds when I used the "replace activity" button. I pressed the button around 4:30 UTC, right after the button turned green. I am not colourblind and I am certain that the button was green. What I think happened is that the server didn't register that action as the action that occurred 24h 00m 01 second after the previous free activity replacement but instead something like 23h 59m 59s. Obviously there is no reason for me to press the button to replace activity for premium currency when there is like 1 second left before the action becomes free. 30 diamonds is NOT the price to pay for saving 1 second of time.

    I don't know if you will restore me those diamonds or not, although it would be kind of you if you did. And I am a free-to-play player so those diamonds weren't purchased for real currency anyway. You did not earn anything from me on that bug.


    The suggestion part

    Rather than solving dozens of disputes from players in similar circumstances every month, it would be much better to solve the problem at its core. The way the game is now it is inevitable that some players will accidentally double tap on chest to get it insta-unlock or accidentally press on the screen right before the "revive at current spot" button appears or, as it happened to me today - press the replace activity button the second after its 24h cool-down is over with a server delay.

    1)- you can put an option to protect your in-game diamond wallet with a password

    2)- you can put an option of the "are you sure?" pop-up window for any premium currency spending action

    3)- you can put a simple checkbox to block the spending of diamonds unless the checkbox is "ticked" in the options.

    the first option is the most secure as it protects your wallet from people who got access to your device and entered the game, but there can be problems with people forgetting their password that they used to protect the wallet.

    the second option can become annoying for players who are more willing to spend money and don't want to see those annoying pop-ups

    the third option is the option I suggest to implement. For all players who want to spend currency - nothing will change. They will just leave the option "ticked". But for all free-to-play players who have a very limited amount of diamonds from various events, this option is a HUGE quality-of-life improvement of the game. With that checkbox unticked all blue buttons will be greyed-out. So even if you press the button to replace activity or revive at spot or insta-unlock the chest, it will simply not work.

    Implementing this checkbox is extremely simple. It doesn't take much coding skill. It is a simple if then else statement.

  4. the new interface for seasonal activities is horrible. Previous interface looked like a scroll, like an actual piece of paper with tasks to do. It felt really authentic and fantasy-like. Now it is more gamified, arcade-looking. And presenting activities in the form of a list one under the other made more sense. Humans make lists of things to do in that specific format. one line per task! Now we have tasks in small rectangles from left to right. This doesn't look like a list of tasks. I wish there was a way to return the old style. you can still have the new features like buying activity points on the progress tab. but why butcher the list of tasks?

  5. 4) the requirements for activities changed. Hoarder now needs 12 white items instead of 15, adventurer duty needs 4 quests instead of 6. this is bad.

    hoarder is a cheap task that only gives 100 points. most players will want to replace it to get task for 200 points or more. but you need to open chests every three hours and there are other sources of loot. with 15 items it was easier to delay this task long enough to have it replaced. you can only replace once per 24 hours. same for adventurer duty. its a cheap 100 point task and now doing just one full quest in dynamic area is more than enough to complete it.

  6. other changes not noted by the devs

    1) The model of the sandals that you get at the beginning of the game as your starting shoes got reworked. Now the "sandals" have a model of the brown boots. They looked like green boots before. Way to go. Few more updates and I am sure you will manage to use an actual picture of sandals

    2) The sharp "whoosh" sound that you heard whenever you claimed reward from seasonal activities is gone. Why? why? WHYYY? Was it not obvious that the sound effect that was in place for so long and became so sweet to the ear because it is associated with receiving a reward, should not be removed? Right now you click on reward and it silently goes into your inventory. Do you even understand that it was essential? There is no way it could be justified.

    3) Character remains in party after clearing the dungeon. Again - why? These are random people! We are not talking about party you gathered intentionally. It's random! Why would I want to be in that party again? All parties are now the same party comp of 2 dd, one tank one healer. And there is no guarantee that all three teammates will need ANOTHER run through the dungeon. The previous version where our characters were assumed to be socially awkward and immediately broke free from any random party after the dungeon made more sense. If i need one of those teammates again, I will make sure to contact them during the first run through the dungeon.

  7. the quests in dynamic areas seem to change at midnight and afternoon but I noticed that daily quests in pvp areas like crystal cave or kragg behave differently. at first they were at 8 am for me, then at noon, then at 10 am and now they occur again at noon. So there is some hidden variable that determines when the quest starts. Also the quest wasn't expired, so it is not like they return to certain schedule on timeout.

    my question is how does that work?

  8. GUIDE UPDATE 2---

    first I would like to correct a mistake in the original guide. I wrote that tree hounds are a serious threat. I was wrong. The main damage was not from a tree hound but from rootgrabbers. They explode on death and cause severe AoE damage. I though it was from tree hound because they are always in one group. So the new approach is to ignore tree hound and kill one rootgrabber first then wait for your healer to heal you from that explosion while fighting anything OTHER than a second rootgrabber and then kill the second rootgrabber.

    Now the main part - game's update. Now the game tries to balance the party with one healer one tank and two damage dealers. Does that mean that my previous advice of going in full heavy armour is no longer relevant? No, it is the same. But for a different reason. Now the game will force those balanced parties at the cost of level mismatch. So a level 30 character can be in a group with level 7 character in the same dungeon. And of course low level characters are less experienced and will die to often so having heavy armour to tank when you level 7 tank dies to a telegraphed attack is still a good choice.

    Regardless of your teammates level you will always get the chest of your character level so you don't have to leave when someone is lower lvl than you are.

    The monsters in the dungeon are still at the level of the lowest lvl party member and the lower that level is the easier it will be to complete the dungeon. Enemies have proportionally less hp and use special abilities less often at lower levels so it is convenient to have a low level teammate as long as they are not complete noobs who don't know to run out of red zones of telegraphed attacks and have some healing potions on them.

    Another important thing to know is that now there are bots not only on arenas but also in dungeons. You will improve your chances of playing with humans if you accept dg invitation at the top of the screen with some players already in the lobby. If three players are waiting for you - you will have full human team. If two are waiting you can have 3 or 4 humans on your team including yourself. if only one is waiting then you will have at least on human teammate. So it is better to get into dg through a pop up invitation rather than from initiating a raid yourself, but someone has to initiate a raid anyway. To handle this I recommend to at least find one party member before going to dg so that you have two guaranteed human players.

    Elariel is still a good reason to nope out especially with noobs who don't know to attack green and red fire-lings and to kite her away from fire-lings.

    flower lord became slightly more difficult because noobs still don't know to always kill his summons before proceeding with beating the main target

    magnetron and spineslasher cause as much trouble as you expect from your teammates standing in red zones of telegraphed attacks.

    Finally - the steel claw and venom spitter subbosses are also skippable like flogrilla and object 251.

    The steel claw is skippable on moving from south-east to either north-east or south west. (and in opposite directions too)

    venom spitter is skippable on moving from south-west to south east or in oppsite direction from south-east to south west


  9. those are probably in game bots. reporting them won't help because they are bots given to you by the game itself, not some human players who decided to free their time from playing the game and used some third-party software to make those bots

  10. so today players began to talk about trade feature that will be added in an update. The problem is that trade will ruin a lot of things in the game.

    trade of equipment will allow players to simply buy the level ups. Doesn't even have to be real trade. Just borrow your armour to a player so he can get mastery from it and then take it back. the mastery cap will not decrease and the player will have lvl 20+ unlock with the prospect to get better chests, new locations, etc

    trade of heaps of trophy equipment - same problem. Players will buy out upgrades to lvl up faster. Same for orbs of defense because those are used for upgrades.

    trade of alchemy stones - even worse. Players will be able to easily min max their build and do ridiculous things with aligned secondary attributes on blue/purple equipment. And it will deprive YOU of the profit from selling alchemy stones for diamonds. Same for Archeon crowns because they can be traded for alchemy stones.

    trade of potions - useless. They can buy it from gorgors

    the only meaningful trade would be trade of costumes, so that players who have two of a kind can trade one copy for another costume/weapon skin that they don't have.

    The only kind of trade that COULD be good, is if free players could buy inventory/warehouse expansions from other premium players, because right now those can be obtained only for diamonds and an alternative for in game gold would be great.

    Perhaps the option of selling gorgor contracts is not that bad. It will be a small improvement for those who try to obtain tempered equipment.

    other kinds of trade are bad for your current game model. Anything that allows to level up faster takes away the necessity of using skypass for exp bonuses. In fact it takes away the necessity to play the game. Just borrow a few pieces of equipment from your friend/guild mate and now you are 20+ with all necessary end-game content unlocked. At this point you may as well make a big fat button "skip to lvl 20" on the main interface of the game.

    I sincerely hope that you will NOT include any trade that will ruin the game balance. Because one little mistake is enough to make the whole gaming experience useless.

  11. OK, so the bots on battlefield (royal battle) weren't great help before but at least they moved. They were too dumb to attack barrier even when the deadly fog was right behind them but AT LEAST THEY MOVED. They could attack each other bots and sometimes if you were VERY lucky - other players. But in the last battle they did NOTHING! literally nothing.

    The bot spawns and rage quits. The nickname becomes gray and the character just stands in one place. I know those were bots. No guild, name in latin letters and impossible to read gibberish. Those were definitely bots. And they weren't even moving. And it happened again and again. It was not a one-time bug. It happened 3 or 4 times in a row before I found a human teammate.

    Please fix bots, and while you are at it, please teach them to at least attack barriers to not die in fog.

  12. matchmaking isn't bad. it is HORRIBLE! More time waiting for party, party members with huge lvl difference, much lower than my character and now...

    bots? We have just been in dungeon with a guardian character who was just running after us without attacking ANYTHING! And it was definitely a bot. He left immediately after final boss died. Normal players don't behave like this.

  13. waiting for 5 minutes for a tank is bad. 2 dd +tank+healer is a balanced party, but there are other viable compositions.

    3 dd + healer is fine

    2 dd + 2 healers is fine.

    there should be an option to turn off the new filter to find sub optimal parties faster.

    and forcing the pilgrim calendar on every entrance into the game is just annoying.

    removing the tavern was not a great idea. It could still be used for search of parties for uncommon purposes, like events or pk groups.

    the invitation to dg should be disabled when a person is doing quests actively. or at least give us an option to disable it while we are in dynamic areas with daily quests. not everyone wants to be interrupted by a dg from doing quests.

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  14. a bunch of costumes appeared in the shop and there is nothing on forum to alert players about it. it would be great to add info about such things.

    also - now separate costumes cost 1500 diamonds instead of 1200. apparently 1200 was somehow not enough.

  15. increasing to 50-60 is a huge strain on a server. that means you need to store a list that is twice as long for EACH player. There is a reason it is limited to 30 now.

    with just 5 allied guilds you will have 5*20 new people to interact with. such list is only 5 entries instead of additional 20-30 which is 4-6 times less and it can connect you to a hundred players which is 3-5 times more.


  16. (this is the copy of my suggestion from general section, I suppose general section can be used to discuss this idea in general and its impact on the game, while here technical details can be discussed instead)

    I just had a light-bulb moment. Do you know that friend list that has 30 slots? It is usually not enough because for arenas, dungeons and events you often need party and some of your friends can be offline. And the amount of incoming candidates for friends is also limited so using that "waiting room" as an extension of this list is only a temporary solution. So, the idea that I had is to make a friend list for GUILDS!

    Just think about it. You only need one entry to have access to the whole group of players. Just click on the guild, and then you can select any member of that guild to communicate. Expanding the friend list by 30 more entries will give you thirty more people. Adding the guild friend list will give you access to 30 guilds where each guild can have 10-20 candidates.

    If you can have opposing guilds, you should also have allied guilds. And if a person from the guild doesn't want to receive messages from you, they can just add you to the blacklist.

    This will connect more players so it will be easier even for "lone wolves" to find company when they need it.

  17. I just had a light-bulb moment. Do you know that friend list that has 30 slots? It is usually not enough because for arenas, dungeons and events you often need party and some of your friends can be offline. And the amount of incoming candidates for friends is also limited so using that "waiting room" as an extension of this list is only a temporary solution. So, the idea that I had is to make a friend list for GUILDS!

    Just think about it. You only need one entry to have access to the whole group of players. Just click on the guild, and then you can select any member of that guild to communicate. Expanding the friend list by 30 more entries will give you thirty more people. Adding the guild friend list will give you access to 30 guilds where each guild can have 10-20 candidates.

    If you can have opposing guilds, you should also have allied guilds. And if a person from the guild doesn't want to receive messages from you, they can just add you to the blacklist.

    This will connect more players so it will be easier even for "lone wolves" to find company when they need it.

  18. The final joke!

    And it is as horrible as the whole event. Today there was a notification about event's ending (tomorrow). And the message says:

    Don't forget to use your group gorgor contracts and to spend ophirium because you won't have such opportunity later.

    Really? Really guys? Don't forget to spend ophirium? You mean the currency that you have DELETED after the first part of the event was over? That ophirium?

    To spend NONEXISTENT ophirium of WHAT? The only thing that could be bought for ophirium was an event lootbox with ophirium price tag. And that lootbox was DELETED from the store along with ophirium from our wallets! Even if we had millions of ophirium, we wouldn't spend it because the currency became USELESS without the only product in the store that could be bought with it!

    Can you IMAGINE the amount of NOT CARING about this game, this event, and your players to just write that notification?! Do you not know what is happening in your own game? Did you not know that ophirium and ophirium-priced lootbox were gone long ago?

    WORST EVENT EVER! WORST in terms of game mechanic and in terms of your attitude to players.

    Whoever wrote today's message is ignorant about the game and dangerously lazy. At least this is a fitting end to this mess.

  19. while you are fixing bugs, it is time for another rant.

    There are four locations, as in the previous version of the client, but we replaced the Crypt with the previously removed Bandit Lair, since the former was already used in this format as part of the Halloween event in 2022.

    that DOES NOT FOLLOW. I am sorry, but that simply is not true, and I hope that you were lied to rather than being part of it. There is NOTHING in programming that would prevent you from having a normal crypt location and an event crypt location at the same time. It is a simple if-else statement. If contract is from event - use this map, else - generate random number and take it modulo 3 or 4 and send a player to one of the normal maps.

    The game doesn't care if your event map and one of the normal maps are the same. If anything - it is even better because you are spending fewer resources (only the boss has to be replaced and everything else is just copy and paste)

    This is not a memory issue either. We have all our gorgor contracts plus love lunacy love dimension location and in the recent event there was yet another map. It is perfectly possible to have one more gorgor map and you know it because we observed it before.

    So why remove the crypt?

    The way I see it is that you are planning to reuse the event-crypt on Halloween and if you do just that then players will say something like:

    - oh look! They just replaced the boss in one of the locations! They are so lazy...if they are lazy. Maybe they don't have the funds to develop and improve the game any more? Maybe the game will soon be closed? maybe they are too greedy and take all the profit for themselves rather than investing into game?

    Maybe this sounds too harsh, and it doesn't have to be worded exactly like this, but the message is clear - it is getting more and more (financially) difficult to introduce new content to the game. That's a bad sign for us players.

    If the crypt map is removed, some players will forget it and by the time Halloween happens they will be fascinated to visit this "NEW" gorgor location. But it is not new. I know that in your language there is a proverb that "everything new is a well forgotten old" but it is wrong.

    Instead of creating more NEW content you turn off pieces of existing content to turn it on later and pretend that it is new. And this is wrong. I remember crypt map, other veteran players will remember that map and when you reintroduce it on event it will NOT be seen as new map.

    To sum it up:

    the reasoning behind replacing the crypt map is weak. And a more ominous reason seems more plausible. You can call me a conspiracy theorist, but we are talking about mmorpg. These games don't live long. Players leave to new projects because each year new games with better graphics are made. And the trend of more and more demanding events I mentioned in a different thread also leads to such conclusion.

    As a player I want you to know that I don't mind playing vanilla Skylore. I will be here even without events or with old events reused. Your concern is to keep premium players who pay the bills.

    I sincerely hope that it was not YOUR decision to temporarily remove the crypt map so that players forget it. Because if we allow that to happen, next we might have bigger parts of the game removed and reintroduced in the same way. Do you want to lose one of the three arenas? How about one of the four dungeons? One of the two battlegrounds perhaps? Daily quests? Daily quests in pvp areas? What will be next?

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