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The subtleties of farming monsters


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We’d like to talk about the system of receiving rewards for killing monsters in Skylore.


The progress of your character is impossible without gold, knowledge, equipment and resources. You can get them in different ways, but there is universal one that will allow you to get everything - killing of monsters.

So, for killing of monsters you get:

  • gold
  • knowledge points
  • items  consumables, equipment, resources for leveling up and combining equipment.

The number and set of rewards for defeating a monster depend on its power. The stronger the monster, the more currency (gold and knowledge) and items you can get for its killing. In addition, amount of reward that  a hero can receive for a battle with it depends on a monster’s strength.

  • Weak and Normal —  1 character
  • Strong —  2 characters
  • Elite —  3 characters
  • Boss —  4 characters
  • Champion —  from 8 and more (for example, 12 characters can receive a reward immediately for defeating Decayra)

If several heroes are fighting a monster simultaneously, then those who made the greatest contribution to defeating him will receive a reward.

The contribution consists of two components: the damage done and the healing of the characters who entered the fight with the monster.

Now let's talk about killing monsters in groups and why this is worth doing.


The main reason is related to mechanics of contribution. The thing is that for the members of the formed group, the contribution of all the characters is summed up.This will allow you and your friends to gain an advantage in the competition for the farm spot.

Let’s see how it works:

3 characters simultaneously enter the battle with a «strong» monster, while 2 of them are in the same group. As you remember: at the same time, only two heroes can receive a reward for killing a «strong» monster. With great probability, the rewards will go to the players in the formed group, since together they will make a much greater contribution than the player without the group.

What you should remember:

  • When fighting a monster at the same time, the amount of gold and knowledge given out for defeating it is divided by the number of possible recipients of awards and is given to players with the greatest contribution.
  • When contribution to killing of a monster is calculated, only really restored health points are accepted, overheal is not considered.
  • The contribution points aren't reset if  a character dies. Therefore, upon returning to the battle after death, the character will still be on the list of applicants for the award, provided that the battle wasn't interrupted during his absence.
  • Contribution points for defeating a monster aren't counted if a character wasn't at the location at the time of the monster's death.
  • If a number of players in a group is greater than a number of places with a reward for killing, then  rewards will be distributed randomly among all members of the group who took part in the killing of the monster.
  • If your group made a greater contribution to the victory over the monster, but you didn't participate in the battle, then your character is excluded from the list of applicants for awards.

That's all we wanted to tell you about the monster farming.


What do you think of this system? We are waiting for your comments!

Good luck in hunting for monsters! 😉

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2 часа назад, Vulkan сказал:

Can you do party quests or not? Let's say your quest is to kill 10 Phloxes. If you are in a party will your party member's kill be counted or only yours? 

Only yours - you must make at least one hit on it

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