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Add Racial skills


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21 hours ago, FrozenRain said:

The devs should add Racial unique skill tree to increase strategies involving PvP and with this you can make your character more unique than other by having different skill sets and you can have more options on your PvE strategies.

At least make a unique passive/active ability for each race. It would be great 👍

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As we have 6 races I think they should have unique abilities for each of themselves like in the description when you create a character there's a description about the races traits and lore but in game only visuals differ, so I think adding racial skill tree will further add twist in the game as each player have different taste in how they want to develop their character in game. The class skill tree only give you different skill effect with chaos points but still the same skill set, unlike with racial skill tree with limited points to alocate, the player can have unique skill set of his own since not all will want the same things.

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Расовые скилы не нужны, иначе народ быстро вычислит какие из них оптимальные и будут пикать только эту расу, что негативно скажется на разнообразии. Можно добавить небольшие расовые пассивки, типа +3/5% к урону/защите/бегу/криту (что-то одно из перечня).

Edited by Bkmz
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2 hours ago, Bkmz said:

Расовые скилы не нужны, иначе народ быстро вычислит какие из них оптимальные и будут пикать только эту расу, что негативно скажется на разнообразии. Можно добавить небольшие расовые пассивки, типа +3/5% к урону/защите/бегу/криту (что-то одно из перечня).

Нужно вносить такие различия, которые совсем не сильно повлияют на игровой перевес той или иной расы.
Но вот какие именно, будут ли они косметический или с реальными показателями ( типа +3/5% к урону/защите/бегу/криту ), нужно тестить.

Просто если сделать их не сразу, а ввести в каком либо патче, то уже те кто прокачал допустим мага, и на его расу добавят физ. урон...ну не очень обрадуются 😆

Edited by Dream
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I think Racial skills are necessary to differentiate each races, they could make counter play by having racial skills that counter  one another. I think having advantages on one race and having weakness on another race will make it more the fun, this is where teamwork between race alliance comes in complimenting one another. A chaotic fight with lots of counter plays is better than a fight with predictable outcomes. Also I think it would be fun and heroish to have skills that will have impact between win and defeat.

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12 часов назад, FrozenRain сказал:

Also I think it would be fun and heroish to have skills that will have impact between win and defeat.

If there is special racial skill, it will be too op, and all people will pick race with most powerful racial skill. Not so funny, bro.

12 часов назад, FrozenRain сказал:

having advantages on one race and having weakness on another race will make it more the fun,

Sounds funny. You mean for example muars (cat race) have advantage against nox race, but also have weakness before gorr race? Good idea, just make advantage/weakness not more then 3-5%.

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I don't really like the idea of the racial skills giving advantage over a certain race. The descriptions of the races during the character creation process already talk about them being skilled at certain things. I don't remember the exact descriptions but I recall one saying the particular race was skilled at archery, one skilled at magic, etc. Those descriptions should be turned into actual stats that are added as small passive bonuses.

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