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low lvl tempered gear removal


tempered gear mechanics update  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. should a chance to obtain tempered gear on lower level sets of equipment be removed from the game completely?

    • yes, it ruins the game and makes any competition futile. people with tempered gear win EVERYTHING
    • no, it is only a slight edge and there should be a few lucky players

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Oh please, really? Do you know how rare those were? And now there is no chance to get tempered adept/gladiator/engineer? I played for a year and couldn't get even one although I spammed dungeons. A small...very small chance to obtain that gear is what made it interesting and promised at least some advantage in perspective. What about blacksmith chest that can be purchased for guild tokens? It has a chance of tempered gear for your current level. Are you going to nerf them too? What is the point of them then? Without tempered gear they are no different from treasure chests for daily quests and from pvp areas. I haven't seen a single post on the forum from the people complaining that tempered gear of lower level equipment is ruining the game! This wasn't even a topic of discussion! There wasnt a conflict between lower level tempered and current level normal. Most players will not stay at 19- level anyway to abuse tempered gear for anything. It feels like this entire decision was done against me.

Please, reconsider your decision about tempered gear before level 20. It was not wrong. And it couldn't be abused because whenever you fight against higher levels you are at a disadvantage even with tempered gear. And the chances WERE small! I am serious when I am saying that I played for a year and couldn't get a single piece of it. Why would you change the 0.001% chance to the full ZERO? Tempered gladiator was a reason to do battlegrounds, tempered adept was the reason to do gorgor contracts.

Look at the leader board of arena. How many tempered pieces do you see now? Zero!

Look at the leader board of battleground. How many tempered pieces do you see now? Zero!

top ten players of current battleground and and least top ten players of league 2 of arena are all wearing normal gear. Not the tempered one.

Literally, nothing could be blamed on tempered gear.

It is not wrong to give a slight edge to players who were in this game for so long as to get a piece of tempered gear. and if they stay at 19-, so what? They will not beat 34 lvl character with full set of epic destroyer, no matter how much their levels are scaled down.

If you think that tempered gear at 19- is SO bad, you can at least decrease the drop chance even further, but don't make it ZERO! You could even decrease it to zero without telling us! 99% of players wouldn't even notice! Why did you even tell us? We would still have hope...

no new tempered gear for the duration of event is acceptable if you don't want to suddenly disrupt some power balance. But there is no power balance! There is difference in skill and sometimes it is just two players vs one and tempered gear wont save you against two opponents.

You can still have resources to enhance normal 20lvl gear to tempered, just make it so that lower lvl gear can't be upgraded with those resources. It is so easy. Like a few lines of code! If(in adept/gladiator/engineer/apprentice/fighter/pioneer set) {don't upgrade to tempered}. Just put a simple if statement to check for lvl of gear and skip if it is too low.

Removing content from the game is not fun. It is the opposite of fun.

Edited by BlazeMG
20+ have destroyer pvp set not gladiator. I was very emotional yesterday when I wrote the post and made this blunder
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Hello. First of all, thanks for your thoughts!

The fact is that the initial concept of hardened items does not correspond to the main principle of the project - character development. Having such items simply tells you to stop at a certain level of mastery and not level up further, not gain access to new content, etc. Of course, you can make this choice for yourself and stay at a certain level, but we don't want that it became commonplace. We don't want to set up our mechanics for this possibility - it's not what's needed for the future of the game.

Additionally, tempered items will not give you an advantage among characters of your level. Yes, a hardened item has higher characteristics in relation to its original, but it also gives more mastery points, and as a result, helps increase your mastery level. In this form, the mechanics are simply misleading, because with further leveling this especially rare item will become an unnecessary thing for you.

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