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Pvp area(adamantine grotto)


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I know it's an area for pvp but is it possible for people who just want to kill mobs for knowledge to be left in peace, I've seen that you can opt it to do pvp with others, I would like to suggest that when you don't opt in for pvp you won't get attacked by those who opted in for pvp

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23 часа назад, Alxest сказал:

people who just want to kill mobs for knowledge to be left in peace

If you want to kill mobs for knowledge in peace, why you come to PvP area instead of No-PVP area? 🤔


Edited by Bkmz
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1 hora atrás, Bkmz disse:

Se você quer matar mobs para obter conhecimento em paz, por que você vem para uma área PvP em vez da área sem PVP? 🤔


I made a recent post about it and is waiting for approval. The reason is that 20k mastery players are killing players with 5k beginners! For receiving the same rewards, they kill only the beginners. They don't even come close to the other forts like them.

I've been trying to do a lah quest for two days myself and the 20k, 15k mastery guys always kill me! JUST THEY, GUYS WITH 5K OR 10K OR 8K, DO NOT DO THIS.

Something is wrong don't you think? Or do you think the game will only be for the strong to have fun? I bet you have a strong account and have played for a long time and also complete your quests keeping players starting!

Sorry man! I am very angry with this system!


Escrevi recentemente sobre isso e estou aguardando aprovação.
A razão é que 20 mil jogadores de maestria matam jogadores com 5 mil novatos! Pelas mesmas recompensas, apenas iniciantes são mortos. Eles nem chegam perto de outros fortes semelhantes.

Eu mesmo tentei completar a lah quest por dois dias, e os caras com 20k, 15k de habilidade sempre me matam! SÓ ELES, OS INDIVÍDUOS 5K OU 10K OU 8K, NÃO FAZEM ISSO.

Algo está errado, não é? Ou você acha que o jogo será só para os fortes? Aposto que você tem uma conta forte e joga há muito tempo e também completa suas missões enquanto apóia os jogadores!

Desculpe cara! Estou muito zangado com este sistema!

Edited by felipermfalcao
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В 20.10.2020 в 20:24, felipermfalcao сказал:

I've been trying to do a lah quest for two days myself and the 20k, 15k mastery guys always kill me! JUST THEY, GUYS WITH 5K OR 10K OR 8K, DO NOT DO THIS.

In the upper Grotto people with 20k mastery was downscaled their parameters closer to 10th lvl parameters. System decrease their HP, damage, resistance, armour and all other stats. They only have preferences with new skills and chaotic particles. But its definitely possible to kill 20k mastery person in upper grotto with 2-3 10th lvl characters. Unite in group with other players and defend yourself from offensive players. Or farm in no-PvP locations, they are also profitable.

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