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Arena Matchmaking/Party restrictions and leaderboard


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  • Arena League Party restrictions: I would like to suggest restricting parties heading into arena to player levels within the league only. Eg Titan league from level 20 and above. Not certain if it works however, there is talk of selecting a low level player in a 3 player party increases the probability of getting bots and thereby quicker and easier wins. This devalues the arena leader board.


  • Arena Leaderboard Caculation: A second suggestion would be to consider the win percentage and give greater weightage to it in the leaderboard as it does not reflect a players achievement. Player A may play 2000 matches, won only 1200, and therefore be on top of the leader board. Whereas player B may have played 500 matches and won 450 of them, but still be low on the ladder. In my opinion, player B should be recognized as the better player. Player A can be recognized for greater number of matches played. 


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Matchmaking will definitely be improved, there will probably be level restrictions between the characters from one group.

Win percentage is taken into account even without it, because the character's arena rating decreases for a loss, so if you have a high win percentage, you may end up at the top of the table with fewer matches played.

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  • 2 months later...

Whereas player B may have played 500 matches and won 450 of them

and player C only played 1 match and won it and has an incredible 100% win rate. No thanks. If player B wants to prove he is better and get that sweet sweet #1 on the leaderboard, he should keep that win rate and play 1500 more matches. And if he can't play that much, then he shouldn't consider a leaderboard. It is summer season now, children are on vacation. They have lots of free time to play this game. you can't punish them because someone has to work all day in the office. Arena is one of the few places where you CAN'T buy progress for diamonds. You can't buy score. You have to invest your time. Actual time, not the time at work converted into money converted into diamonds. Only hardcore arena grind!

selecting a low level player... this should be still available because we have guild task to participate or even win certain amount of arena battles with your guildmate in team. even if it means playing at a disadvantage because one player is lower lvl than the other two, it is still necessary to progress guild.

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